Practicalsaint Talks Podcast November 26, 2021
This blog post is a collaborative effort from Pamela and kolee- a few of the links are affiliate links and when you purchase from them you are giving back by supporting the sharing of these life-giving messages at no additional cost to you, so thank you eternally for your support by simply reading and listening to this cast and blog and maybe checking the links out as well :)
“Pamela is a fellow blogger who brings healing and life as a plant-based influencer and enthusiast. She is an accomplished designer of her own life and teaches others to do it in a wholistic, safe, and effective process. She’s done the hard work herself and shares her journey with others so all can achieve overall health and wellbeing too.
Nothing brings me more joy than connecting with others who plow the fields of humanity with other aware and conscious Beings, and Pam is one for sure! We’ve gotten to know each other over the past year and I’m SO GRATEFUL and honored to be in this space with her divine magical Being! She was an early reader of my newest book “Heal the inner child to Heal the world!” and been hugely instrumental in supporting its creation” ~kolee
In today’s episode, we share about mindset shifts and how it makes all the difference to what we experience. We mainly focused on detoxification and healing the body in a natural, holistic way.
We bridge the shift from personal transformation to that of the entire planet, through talking more about:
- Detox as self-love
- How detoxification helps the environment
- Not being too hard on ourselves
- Karmic eating habits
- Food as medicine
- Gratitude
Detox as self-love
We need to change the way we think about detoxification because in today’s society we face mockery from some and this may put a stop to real authentic transformation. First, do not allow anyone else’s opinions to keep us stuck in old patterns. If someone isn’t paying your bills or taking you to your doctor’s appointments- their opinion or stories don’t really matter when it comes to our own life. Our opinions don’t really matter to anyone else on the flip side, so here we focus on our own experience and self. Secondly, detoxifying our own bodies as a self-love act is how we can begin a journey to wholistic health and wellbeing. Think about it. This act of self-love or self-care is the foundation on which all else is formed. 7.7 billion people actively taking care of our own bodies and health equals a healed and whole world. Also, it’s worth noting, that currently we are forced to consume harmful agents to our bodies and planets because of production practices. What is available to us is largely ineffective and tampered with. We can do all the “good” things and still be harming someone somewhere due to the entire system we are a part. In this light, we do what we can, where we are, and this is always enough. The goal is to change enough mindsets to create a whole new system of beneficial production to eliminate the need to sacrifice our personal pleasure at the expense of another.
Pamela & kolee personally experienced and observed massive benefits and expansion of the unity consciousness message we currently share. Yes, the process of detoxification may start in our physical bodies yet it branches out to encompass our whole Being. Detoxing one’s body leads to detoxing our emotions. Emotions are energy in motion and can get stuck in our body, leading to mental issues as well as physical and spiritual ones as well. Through detoxification, we purify the body, and as we do this, we experience improvement in our whole Being- physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing.
Taking care of our body is a sign of self-love. Self-love and love for the other and the divine. Our body is our temple where our eternal souls come to play on earth for a hundred earth years or so. The way we treat our bodies IS the way we treat others and our earth. We either treat it with respect, honor, and unconditioned love or we disregard our part in its creation. We can either embrace this truth with open arms or we can excuse our whole time here away and never gain traction to heal the self in order to heal our world.
How detoxification helps the environment
Food choices also matter. As we improve our health and as we choose less processed or tortured foods, we detoxify this energy from our body, you begin to see more clearly how our choices affect the overall not just “you”- the old ego self. We can then become more intuned with the Earth, where we all live. We start to see beyond just our own little stories and dramas. Many don’t talk about this seriously enough, but our choices DO matter. Not only in food, but in the products we use to care for our bodies and homes, the clothes we put on our bodies, the way we educate and entertain ourselves, the way we medicate and deal with dis-ease or illness, etc.
As we mentioned in our conversation, everything we do, think, feel, and say affects the whole entire universe! The stuff that ‘matters’ as in solidifies to things we smell, see, touch, feel, and taste is the product of our collective experiences and mindsets.
We are all a part of the crisis on this planet and can use this unique sovereign position to reach our aim of all living healthy and happy lives. We humans are made up of earth and star stuff, making us all a part of the whole. Detoxifying our bodies, homes, communities, and world really does matter! kolee’s next whole book goes into practical steps and ways we can all make small differences matter!
You can only know it does matter once you experience the difference for yourself.
Don’t be hard on yourself
Although the above statements can either bring resentment and a feeling of helplessness, they can also bring significant enrichment and empowerment. It’s vital at any point on the journey we’re on to be gentle and patient with ourself, others, and through the divinity who is always a part of our present conditions.
Pamela shared her personal experience of how she was hard on herself and others at the very beginning of her journey. kolee wrote whole books through this narrow and judgemental lens, which showcases her evolution in this carefully woven life narrative. In this light, we recommend people take this process slowly and in bite-sized pieces with a gentle and forgiving mindset. Reading “
Heal the inner child to Heal the world!” book or audiobook is a beautiful place to start or advance in our reconstruction as a species.
Often we choose ignorance instead of awareness about where and how our food is being processed, how to take care and educate our self and our families, how to get around without harming the planet, and so on. Awareness is needed, but don’t educate yourself simply by watching activist videos on YouTube- as they may affect you negatively in the beginning by not presenting the entire story. Often when we’re immature on this path, we begin to get overwhelmed with all that is harmful and either blame others or create a savior complex to deal with these intense issues. The key to successfully changing what we see around us is first to begin and continue the deep inner detox and healing of our individual self. The transformation process and experience are different for everyone. We all do our best, and our best becomes effective over time. The length of time it takes to change varies as much as the experiences and paths we take.
Through this lens, we learn how to respect other people’s choices even though they do not align with where we are now. If somebody feels called to change and would like your assistance, they will reach out to you. There is no need to go around proclaiming enlightenment when we’re still earth-bound and incapable of walking on water or walking through walls. We are all divinely human, and this earth experience is to cultivate this divinity within- as gracefully and gently as possible. We must think for ourself and follow our inner guidance, and allow others to do the same. As we embark on this grand journey, there are ups and downs. We are, after all, ‘human’ Beings in a dualistic and matrix-style earth.
Be the change you want to see, and this is more than enough to affect real change for the entire planet.
Karmic eating habits
On her healing journey, Pamela had dealt with eating disorders caused by low self-esteem & fear of disease. Eating disorders are mirrors of emotional imbalance. It is not about the food as much as it is how we feel about ourself. If I eat sugary and genetically modified foods all the time, I’m basically showing my body I don’t care if it lives or dies. I’m saying to my body I don’t care if it operates in harmony. We are mindlessly or mindfully creating all we experience in these meat suits called bodies at a deep level.
We have to start paying attention to our emotional eating habits as a self-love act and one from a unity-conscious view. What we spend money on (or don’t) has a tremendous impact on the planet at large as well. We realize what we eat affects EVERYTHING!
Everything from fair trade, pollution, child labor, medical costs, humane treatment of animals, our environment, even emotional long-term effects- we live in an age where the outcome of our species lies in our mouths!
Do you see? It’s a mirror that constantly reminds us of how we actually feel about our own Being and those around us.
Emotions and food have gone together as long as we’ve been around. There are deep karmic or never-ending cycles which can be transformed into beneficial merit as we aim to find deep self-love for ourself, others, and with the divine inside us.
To get started right away in detoxing and embodying a wholistic relationship with the foods we use to nourish our bodies, a simple thing to add to your daily routine to increase your health is tongue scrubbing; why and what!?
Tongue scrubbing or scaping is is an easy, quick, and effective way to:
- Get a better sense of taste,
- Remove bacteria,
- Have better digestion,
- Activate organs,
- Remove bad breathe, and
- Boost immunity
by Aayushi Gupta
This magical yet straightforward act of scraping our tongues can lead to many beneficial side effects and can be performed in a minute or two. We are literally scraping off the old to allow the new to grow. As outlined in this whole blog piece, everything is interconnected. The tongue holds a map to our entire physical Being, and since it is so tied to our daily habits like breathing, talking, eating, and drinking, it makes sense to start here.
Order a
tongue scraper
now, pro tip: I used a spoon for a while and the real deal is a much better experience ;)
Food as a medicine
As previously highlighted, food is an act of self-care which leads to detoxifying our entire Being and world. In this light, it is also used as a medicine to heal the wounds of our world. We make choices every day on what we will put in our mouth holes and excrete back to the earth. kolee was recently introduced to ayurvedic practices and quickly realized the fancy name added up to using food as medicine to affect our whole Being. Cumin is high in iron, flaxseed is high in calcium, mung beans are high in protein, papaya seeds are high in fiber, and on and on the list goes. We’ve all probably at least been introduced to this information, yet why do we continue making our cells sick by not eating them??
It’s mostly because either we haven’t been educated on these issues or if we have we didn’t have enough information to realize why it’s so important to take action. In either case, do yourself and those you love and care for a favor and begin the work of eating for life. My new friend Adam Zaks has an excellent introductory book about this in “Doctors study sickness, you should study health” available on his beautiful website
Pamela has a lovely detoxification program where she helps guide people to heal our bodies by learning new habits and food preparation skills. Her smoothie and smoothie bowl challenge is available at
as well as helping others embark on this wild ride of healing and self-love through groups, blog, and challenges all available from
There are MANY beautiful Beings on earth today who have done this hard work of self-transformation and offer services to us to do the same. There is no excuse in our modern world that needs to prevent us from feeling our absolute best! I cheer you on continuously in this massive support of our new earth creation, starting at home- today.
The act of gratitude keeps us aware of all which is correct in our lives. It allows more of what we want to see to flow effortlessly into our realities. Learning how to be in peace and gratitude changes your life completely. When we take moments several times a day to be thankful for what we have already created, we become aligned with creating more! By focusing on what we have already achieved or created, we not only are learning to be gentle and appreciate ourselves but we are also imagining and creating the spirit of beneficial growth. Yes, it is key to become aware of that which we would like to change, and nothing gets us here faster than acknowledging the positive blessings in our lives as well. Being grateful for our food, water, children, air, pets, family, friends, resources, even flushing toilets is a beautiful practice which allows change at a beneficial pace.
At first we can keep a gratitude journal and create scheduled entries of at least 3 things we are thankful for today. As this practice becomes more natural, we begin to experience SOME kind of gratitude in any situation! It may sound odd, but even when things do not materialize like I thought they would, I can still find some bits of gratitude of each moment.
Our lives are made up of what we do each day, with this wisdom in the front of our minds, we realize if we aren’t thankful now, we never will be.
Oof- hard hitting right? It’s true though, kolee is a recovering angry and bitter woman who in the eye’s of the world has every ‘right’ to be mad, angry, and hostile. But come on people, really?
Is this really how we wish to spend our time on earth? Do we really desire to remain stuck in the past and upset about what we have, have done, have been through, and the like or are we actually ready to take small steps toward total liberation?!
I say yes we are! I am and Pam is and we know you are too ;)
Let’s go, commit to adding in a small step to begin or advance TODAY and rock it out!
Keep adding in small sustainable steps to detoxify, build up, and transform your self so we can all be healthy and happy once and for all!
Light and unconditioned love, kolee & Pamela n krew