Time, love, and money- we create our daily lives moment by moment either consciously or not using these 3 essential ingredients, in this vein we can literally create a recipe for every thing we wish- however we must vibe to the frequency of thing we are desiring in the first place in order to harmoniously live our creations.
Once we chef up our creations, we then get to harmoniously serve, eat, and share these meals with roughly 8 billion other individuals capable of doing the same thing. We can see the process does look messy or intimidating, yet we are all doing this cooking moment by moment as we create our life on earth- all the time 🙂
TIME- yeah, we doin it again this week! During the United Saints of Love weekly clubhouse talk,
originally recorded live July 24, 2023, the saints continued the time convo. If you missed last weeks TIME talk, you can
listen to the replay here.
The concept of TIME is so entrenched in our consciousness and language and lives, it’s almost impossible to speak of unity consciousness and “new earth creation” without delving deep into the recesses of TIME.
What are your feelings when time is involved, most of us are either in a less than friendly situationship with it or we push it to the limits with our unrelenting ambitions and “management” of it. It’s kinda like the old adage of how we do one thing is how we do all things- I suspect if time isn’t your bestie, neither is love and or money. The reason I feel so strongly about openly talking about TIME, as in who it is, how it operates, and how we can harness its infinite source power, is because I see it as intricately linked with our infinite source power- it’s who WE are. So let’s keep contemplating and see if our relations with TIME can benefit us and others- shall we :)
First, in our group conversation, Phil brought up how during his week of contemplating time, he noticed the relativity between how long we (humans) have been on earth and how this affects our perception of time. This is to say, a child feels like time is so long compared to an adult because the percentage of time they experience in relation to how long they’ve been around in total matters more than it does to adults who have lived many of these moments and realize how quickly time does indeed pass and as the length of earth years accumulates, the ratio of the experiences expands.
It was cool to remember this effect time has on us as we age or as time “goes by.” It was also cool to hear how our thoughts on this dear topic have engaged us in new or remembered ways, almost as if TIME is present with us to inspire insights and breakthroughs like a loving friend would.
I won’t get too mushy here, I realize many of us aren't ready to go this far with TIME yet, although I do feel satisfied how the conversation and change of perception are working in us all.
Can we make time, make love, and make money?
The whole point of talking about time as an entity is that it is eternal and infinite- if this is the case, we can tap into this infinite resource and enjoy our time. But we are not at this point in humanity as of yet, so where is the disconnect? And why do we say we make time, make love, and make money if we also say we do not have enough time, do not have enough love, and or do not have enough money?
One of the speakers, Coco, mentioned her take on TIME and very beautifully articulated her relationship with TIME and how she really enjoys the organic emergence of time in recognition with earth cycles and seasons as opposed to forcing a schedule through the numbers on a clock or being tightly held by a constraining schedule.
I totally get this point of view, as I’ve been highly scheduled as a way of avoidance of feelings or dealing with certain people, because “I’m so busy” and I’ve also been very loose with my time as a way of surrender to the whatever, as of now I feel like I live in the middle way currently having both intentionally scheduled time including time to contemplate and allow what is emerge naturally to emerge. It’s a blessing to myself and I’m looking forward to continuing my relationship with time in a meaningful and dynamic way.
This is the crux- how do we tap into this infinite stream of time, money, and love truly and have this oneness with the infinite as manifested in our 3D regular daily life without losing our soul in the process?
Pressure also seems to keep coming up as it feels like TIME has been personified as a taskmaster or heavy-handed boss, so we’ll look a bit at how to find a fine-tuned harmonic balance between too much pressure and none at all.
Also, we cannot have a convo about time and pressure, and not bring up gravity. Clearly we have theories involving the relationship between time and gravity and it’s not unnoticed in these talks - however, for the sake of getting on with life and enjoying it, we’re not going to focus on old-fashioned and outdated theories as much as we are focusing on our felt lived experiences and how time literally is involved with every aspect of our life- like it or not.
Pressure is needed for birth, for diamonds, for breathing, for blood pumping, and for not floating away- being in tune with time creates beauty with just the divine amount of “pressure” so it is beneficial when we harness it correctly.
The way I’ve come to experience this concept of scheduled activity to create a thing or feeling or awareness along side of allowing spontaneous magic to emerge is multi-faceted so let’s go here for a bit and see what we create together.
From what I can see, merging with TIME (love and money as well) harmoniously all comes down to:
K. Let’s go here.
Long-term awareness or thinking and Unity Consciousness
I’m not sure which comes first for most of us, is it expanded viewpoints from experience and realization of cause and effect as mature adults which lead us to see further out into the “future” or is it the realization that we’re all connected here on earth and beyond so we begin to care about how our actions today affect our (as a collective) tomorrows?
It doesn’t really matter because number 2 on my list is realizing unity consciousness (at any level) as a key to tap into the eternal flow of time (and money and love). We must realize our actions thoughts and speech right now make up the past, present, and future all at once- so as we speak and think and do today, we need to both realize it matters in the moment and forever more! Yike. I feel the pressure - it’s ok- stay calm, we got this.
The exciting part about feeling the weight of our every thought, action, and word is that if we accept all life (past, present, and future) is intertwined, we are a living note in this eternal song of time and we get to have a power part in the song!
Being 100% accountable for what we do, say, think, and feel
In the same vein of long-term thinking and unity consciousness, now we get to be 100% responsible adults creating our version of heaven on earth. Sometimes we and those we see do not seem to always have enough time, love, and money (or resources.) The great thing about being 100% responsible for what we create is we are 100% able to create what we actually want!
The problems start to emerge though as we begin to realize this infinite power inside our own Being yet we haven’t yet done the work to attune to it correctly. Yeah, big trouble a comin’. When we start to feel down, sad, mad, bored, or numb- these are all just indicators we have not yet harmoniously merged with the actual frequencies of the eternal song which could allow us infinite resources- even here on earth.
Do not be dismayed though, it’s a process ;)
I have found the last two keys to unlock infinite potential and yes, I’m here with you learning to vibe clear, crisp, and clean frequencies and kolee is a student of life here with all.
Respecting ourselves like we do our friends and or bosses
In order to enjoy the infiniteness of time (money and love) we really do need a foundation based in almost future worlds where all life operates from the infinite and not from lack or fear. This is why it feels so sticky or messy still on earth because we are all a part of this emerging and giving birth to a whole new consciousness which shapes our earth and experience. We’re not quite all together yet so there is a discord to the conversations and our perceptions.
However, when we hold long-term thinking alongside unity consciousness along with holding ourselves 100% accountable for what we create, we begin to allow others their own path and journey without judgment or control because we are too busy minding our own lives and business. Mind blow I know ;)
The more we ‘mind our own business’ the more we start acting like our life does matter! We matter, our feelings matter, our health matters, and our experiences matter- to us. We begin to realize anything other than equanimity and sovereignty is fake or a mirage. The way most humans so far have gone about learning respect is to give it. It has traditionally been labeled as something to “be” and as an outward expression toward others. Keeping all which has been read in this piece so far in mind, we get to go
inward now big time.
If we care, if we are one, if we are responsible for our own selves- it follows easily we respect ourself 100% as well. When we are mature adults living on planet earth as living breathing Beings, we begin to show respect to ourselves by showing up for ourself like we would a friend or a boss AND
respectable. We do what we say we are going to do when we say we are going to do it. We do not make plans we do not intend to put energy toward creating. We make a plan with ourself and we stick to it even when we do not want to.
This is a rich nugget, I won’t go too much further with this concept here and now, just know that this is the key I found which unlocked time for me like nothing else- and currently I’m learning how to apply it to love and money as well :)
Learning how to trust ourselves
It used to take me a long time (in earth time) to get what I wanted then by the time it would manifest it was out of date and ultimately not what the ‘me of now’ truly desires- so- this took some tweaking. I found awareness or mindfulness is a key that adds to the harmony and as I get more practiced in popping into existence what I desire, it manifests faster ((TIME)) and is actually what I aimed to create!
Learning to create proper conditions to remain clear and bright with all our manifesting magic and realizing with privilege comes responsibility (ability to respond and duty to respond) correctly (because what we think say and do/DID MATTER) - so we hold awareness with all we wish, knowing it does come to pass.
Slowing down doesn’t mean we’re getting old, it is the fact we are maturing and becoming wise :) We learn to pause (create space and time) in order to hold this infinite resource responsibly. As we roll through these different keys at different (or simultaneous) times, we really get into divine alignment with not only TIME but SOURCE of time (love, money/resources) and we relax!
Breathe now :) Big sigh, relax- breathe love in, and breathe love out- right here, right now. Thank you. This life is a process and one I’m really enjoying honestly. The unpredictability and hidden treasures I did not even know I was looking for add so much richness and aliveness to my Being, I cannot even fathom what it would be like to be here on earth without this process.
The point here is as we mature, we are going to change- we are going to flow with divinity and this is a wild ride people- however, we
can trust ourself and the others we chose to include in our inner circle (who practice these principles on the daily) to be a beneficial blessing during our relatively short TIME here on earth in these bodies- and really what else matters?
How can we go wrong practicing these seemingly ridiculously simple concepts?
When we create correct conditions for divine timing to occur in the first place- we can relax and enjoy the song of time and rest in the awareness that what we see today is the result of all our yesterdays so if you don’t like the results- change the action today and tomorrow will probably feel better! It’s a process!!
Much more on this and other hard hitting contemplations to come, I’m eternally grateful to be with you here and now and look forward to seeing what we continue to create together.
See you around saints, enjoy your time!
Join the live conversation each monday on clubhouse if you dare :)
Love, your kolee (and krew)
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