Greetings beautiful saints,
This week’s live chat held in the
USoL Clubhouse app room, aka the “Pratteling prelude to war,” we touched on a couple of ideas that actually all came together in a neat little bundle basically dealing with:
Let’s dig in shall we :)
I have Gypsy blood. My mother’s family came from a Bohemian area in then called Czechoslovakia- literally gypsy land, my family were among the europeans who got on the boat and came to good ole USA. My mother’s family landed in Nebraka and endured farmer/plain life in the early 1900’s, my father’s family originating from Viking culture came across on the Oregon Trail and settled the West in Idaho. We’re traveling folk.
I’ve had 5 different schools plus some college and lived in over 13 houses up and down the west coast and into the ozarks before I moved out at age 17. After I became master of my own household I’ve lived in at least 10 other houses, mostly all of them with my name on the lease/title. You could say I'm programmed to not hold on to stuff in order to hold onto to memories or remind myself what I’ve created in the past.
In the same vein as keeping old stuff around to remind of the past we keep old locations /routines in place just as a lazy brain easy pathway type thing. When we act with awareness and wholistic intentions (reborn ego running the show instead of outdated old ego) we almost automatically become the opposite of hoarders. We easily let go of yesteryears’ stuff to stay present and enjoy advancements and our accomplishments.
This can be seen and felt on the global stage in terms of never-ending wars over resources and boundaries, our medical, scientific, and technological advancements, and our education systems which feed the outdated and useless memorized information of the past story.
As practicalsaints and united saints of love and aware human Beings, we are ready to let go of the old to make room for the next. We create the infrastructures at home with our own personal lives first then it ripples out to the whole of consciousness- see :) I know we are all doing it and I want to say thank you from my whole Being for reading this and caring and being a part of my world and allowing me to be a part of yours.
If you feel free and giddy about the days ahead, awesome sauce for you, and keep going, thousands of lives are depending on YOU to stand strong and enjoy the ride. If you do not feel quite so free and light, it may be time to do some inventory and do something different to get different results. One of my favorite sales mottos was, “nothing changes until something changes.” See it’s when one has an issue (cognitive dissonance) with the present, one must change the present actions so the ‘future’ can change-here there are no judgments, only observations, and if one isn’t happy with the results - change the action for the god within’s sake!
In the monday talk, we spoke about taking action and seeing the blocks and hurdles on our path which we can either look at as blockades and give up or we can feel the fear and do it anyway. This 3D earth is full of dirt, stuff, memories, and bugs. It is a training ground for transcending basic 3D thinking into based 3D living where we do not give a rat’s tail rip about how others perceive our process or results. We start from a base of being safe, kind, and respectful, not hurting ourself or others, and if we make a mess- we clean it up right away, and from here it doesn’t matter what others think. We each need to stay busy with managing and living our own life not meddling and judging each other’s. We then matter to our own life, we are empowered and powerful, and from our empowered overflow, we can then be powerful friends, neighbors, family, community members, etc.
“Humans just need to matter” - Phil recounted a story of a small town of about 800 population with a decent budget who refuse to work together and hold onto petty stuff leading to suffering and frustration for all involved- we are those town members when we cannot see through the woods and include the well-being of the entire forest. If we are not aware of our insights and inner guidance, we do not ever grow mature enough to trust ourselves to respond quickly and correctly to each and every situation at hand- we stay stuck. When we are stuck we feel powerless and puny. We then shy away from true commitment and long-term connection in creating something amazing. To assuage this insecurity and frustration, we latch onto the most petty and insignificant “matters” to feel powerful and significant again.
These are the critical/judgemental folks who criticize instead of jump in and ‘just do it.’
You see, when we aren't capable of connecting or creating- we blame and complain, it’s the ole victimhood instead of responsibility model. It’s super easy to fall into this cycle, and the only way I’ve found out of it, is to let go let go let go (of whatever I can in order to stay in the present) and whatever is right and correct and healthy and vital will stay. The benefit of now never dies off when we get rid of an item or idea or person, because the benefit of now is eternal when we are aligned and integrated with the beneficial source.
It’s the whole lack mentality and insecurity shtick which contributes to hoarding or holding on to stuff and ideas and memories which do not currently serve or even reflect the Being we are in the now.
When we live in abundance and confidence, based on real life experience and experiments, we easily let go of outdated ideas and possessions to continue to expand or flow with (woowoo alert) the cosmic force/source we’re all a part.
Sometimes, a huge overhaul is necessary, sometimes all it takes is a couple of minor tweaks in an area or two which add up to massive change and we already feel back in the saddle and ready to ride.
Once we are brave enough to do something different to get different results from what we’ve previously created, we have some blanks to fill in. We now are in the position to create a whole new life based on new habits, patterns, awareness, and actions.
Participating IN the memories IS what “life” is all about, hence, “our lives are made up of what we do each day.”
THIS is what co-creative friendship/aka community is!
Not only do humans just want to matter, we also want to be valuable to the whole and offer the overflow of our intentionally created/curated life with others.
Enter the Inner circle theory- yes, I made this one up :) What is an inner circle? Why is it so important at this moment in space and time? If we are doing the much-dedicated work of culling and prioritizing how and with who we spend our time, money, and energy (love) - it’s muy importante to invest our 100% devotion with others who are 100% devoted as well.
I’ve come to distill the inner circle definition as this:
“An inner circle member is one who is 100% committed to the circle’s wholistic wellbeing.”
This defines that an inner circle member is both 100% committed to being IN the circle and part OF the circle, and all actions are intended to bless and benefit both the sovereign one and the sovereign whole with abundance, well-being, and wholistic prosperity.
about making memories and making
memories are different!
Talking about plans one could take with another is different from actually taking the action.
It’s exhausting to be all talk and procrastinate taking the action itself. In the end it mostly always ends up being a bit easier and more enjoyable than we forecasted anyway and if it
as hard as we thought it would be, at least it mostly always ends up being very
worth the effort. I’ve also seen how we use the same, if not more, energy on the thinking and planning and worrying and forecasting the thing as we use to just do the thing and see what needs to be tweaked and refined as we continue working with the thing we created.
It’s the whole learn/do/learn/do model and we’re in a time where all the training is adding up to one big message: THE TIME IS NOW! This is literally what we (the healers, light-workers, shadow workers, therapists, shamans, guides, seers, etc., and bla bla bla -whatever label works is fine here) have been training for and it’s time to trust our inner Being, our original essence, and follow the “next indicated step,” which may be to do nothing or to do something- the point is to put all this training and effort to use in an expanded way in order to not only protect ourselves but also to enhance the experience for millions of other earthlings right now in 2023.
By accepting ourselves as powerful and worthy and ready, we indeed are.
However, if we don’t- we aren’t.
We can do ANYTHING we want with our time/lives, with who we want, when we want- and then we just don’t make commitments we do not intend on following through prioritizing. We set clear terms with others on what we can and will do and in turn hold our own time, money, and energy/love as sovereign and do not engage it with those who are not 100% committed and capable of co-creation with us (when creating life with another, obviously we spend or give our time energy, and love on those who are not part of the inner circle, but as overflow not part of creating it with another;)
After taking such big leaps of action with awareness and cleaning out the old shit, what could possibly stop us from creating and co-creating enjoyable memories with others?
Distraction. Hello distraction, we see you, we love you, we thank you for your service of not getting too attached to things, places, and ideas when we were less mature and aware.
We’re mature responsible adults now, you can leave- we got it from here ;)
As mature responsible, committed, and capable Beings, we take 100% responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and words and no longer have the luxury of excuses, old stories, or blame to fall back on. At first, it seems horrible to be 100% responsible (having the duty to respond and being able to respond) for our lives, and then the sun gently streams in with its lovely golden light and birds merrily chirp away and butterflies float around.
Ok, maybe it doesn’t feel this grand yet, honestly though, there is no greater joy than knowing we are 100% in charge of our life.
Blame is probably the greatest distraction human beings have come up with to cope in this rapidly changing consciousness. Blaming does “scratch the itch,” but it also “spreads it around” - it’s a poison which kills progress. This blame shit doesn’t fly in an inner circle or community where there is real stuff being created/co-created. Blame and benefit are like oil and water, they just don’t mix well.
Committing to ones self first is key. One can only commit to others well being after their own is completely taken care of. This is the love yourself like you love god and love others like you love yourself idea. In an inner circle dynamic, each one in the circle is 100% committed and capable of caring for their own Being and from this overflow, it is freely shared with the circle in whatever beneficial means is called for at the time.
Each member is confident in their own wellbeing and confident their membership to the circle is of value to every other circle member. Whether the circle is 5 people or 500, it takes EVERY SINGLE BEING to be 100%.
Why is a circle even needed?
Well, I would say ‘times are tough’
-in general :)
And by standing strong with a trusted inner circle, we are clearly stronger. You can do it alone, I have, and over the years I’ve learned to do it as a team and I love my team. There are many layers to a community, and what we get to do over the next several decades on earth is team up with like-minded players who know our weaknesses and love us for them AND add value to the whole team by supporting the strengths we have as well!
Confident Leaders are an integral part of the inner circle dynamic. In order to shine bright in our natural skills and experiential wisdom, we need to feel safe in order to expose our divine essence. We need to be confident enough in our own abilities so we do not tear down other’s skills and abilities, or pounce on others’ weak spots so we can feel stronger or brighter. When we are truly confident, which comes from experience and integrating outer validation with inner knowing, we can remain servants without recognition. This authentic confidence eliminates competition and comparison - again the more secure one is the less needy one is for recognition or keeping “stuff” around to remind ‘what we’ve accomplished.’
A fun united saints of love law we made up on monday was that all members need to experience all jobs of the community at some point. To truly appreciate and be able to relate to all members, thus holding the commitment to the whole circle’s wellbeing, we need to ‘walk a mile in each other’s shoes.’ I’m a ‘in the trenches’ type leader who enjoys getting in the muck with the krew and being a part of the action, this is inner circle thinking which leads to real respect, endearment, and commitment. We value the people, places, and things we spend time, money, and energy/love on.
The more we spend our lives being involved with our dear power circle, the more enjoyable life becomes- even doing the hard things we get to do from time to time;)
Every inner circle member is a confident leader and leads to a dynamic where all members are aware of many many wormholes and dimensions including:
I hope this rambling recap about creating the life we want and sharing it with those who are equally committed to creating the same resonates at some level and maybe inspires new thoughts or actions- maybe you will even jump in some
monday to co-create the next conversation
see you around saints! k
Extra credit- just some ‘Show Synchronicities’ to enjoy:
I started watching the Bee Movie before the show and my alarm went off for USoL - we talked in our USoL talk- we ended with Phil going to kill the ants and kolee going to watch the rest of the Bee Movie :)
kolee watched Big Top Pee-Wee over the weekend, Phil did a Pee-Wee impression during the show before being told about the Pee-Wee movie.
Phil is getting a watch, kolee said earlier in the day (or the day before) “it’s time to get a watch,” and imagined what it would look like to wear a watch ( Phil repeated the line in the aforementioned Pee-Wee voice)
Good times,
New Paragraph