What is time actually? Does it have personality? Is it an it or an idea or possibly the eternal song woven by all forms who come before, presently are, or after now as these forms pass away from the earth ‘time?’ And finally, can we create or make time?
Every Monday evening at (time stamp) 6p pacific daylight time united states of america, myself and a couple other beloved saints and founding members of United Saints of Love talk together about these complicated and convoluted ideas as a way to further comprehend the practical applications and implications of our every day earth lives.
If you wish to listen to the original discussion you can access it here:
United Saints of Love ReForm TIME
If you wish to add your voice and or presence to the creation of these eternal notes held within the eternal song of life, please feel free to
join live and/or listen to the replays posted every monday.
Last Monday, July 17, we began talking about TIME.
O yes, we all know it. Time to do this and time to do that. Time to get it together, time to have fun, time to eat, and yes don’t forget the running out of time, not enough time, feeling rushed and pressed for time. In human form, we tend to experience time as numbers on a clock we’re in a constant race against. We coordinate time with others in hopes they hold up their end of the bargain- most “times” we are the ones who lose track of time or under estimate the amount of energy or “time” needed to fufil our end of the deal and some times we all syncronize beautifully, a blessed time indeed.
As a type of summary of our latest convo, I’ll attempt to articulate the essence of what we uncovered and discovered whilst speaking freely with one another, uninterrupted and curious.
One of the main themes of most religious and spiritual or conscious groups is how what we do affects our future and others. What the heck is the future anyway? If our actions DO/ARE always adding either melody, harmony, and or screachy bits to the eternal song or time as we love to call it, the moment to momentness of life is of vital importance.
When we take the morality out of the mix, we still basically are aware of the cause/effect dynamic happening now - now- now. So no matter what system we subscribe to this moment, what we do, say, and think are always boss. I think this is why humans can seem distracted and bored with life- we know what will be of utmost support to BEING (in the now) yet the protective parts of ourselves resist the realization of these actions, clinging instead to morals and systems to guide us as a false sense of security.
We need to define time a tad more in order to feel into the words presented here.
Time as defined by oxford dictionary:
And according to wikipedia, time is also a measure of progress between events. However at the end of the article it states, “In quantum mechanics, time is treated as a universal and absolute parameter, differing from general relativity's notion of independent clocks. Reconciling these two theories is known as the
problem of time. As of 2023, there is no generally accepted theory of quantum general relativity.[17]
So! Yay :) Let’s get a new theory started, shall we?
I’ve come to realize several things about time as I’ve been pondering it almost obsessively lately:
Time has a personality!
Action and thoughts and words are human in form. It is our greatest privilege to be in a form which not only automatically breathes, pumps blood, carries nutrients, fires electrical signals, and produces chemical instructions to around 30 trillion cells in every human body, but can also reason and express infinite results of this Being!
It is therefore recognized here and now we have the greatest responsibility (both ability to respond and having a duty to respond) on earth to date. Traditionally, it is conditioned in humans from day one that we are judged for our actions. As children we are conditioned to respond immediately to our guardians direction and commands. As adults, we are conditioned to answer to either or both religious institutions and unseen deities and the good ole government of our land. We receive punishment, or at best consequences, when we do not respond in the pre-destined manner desired or demanded by our ruling authority.
There are very few accepted systems in which the adult human form is given free will to act or respond according to inner guidance or intuition. Mostly because we are never given this unconditoned free will training and most adults are still small children in adult bodies and do not have the capability of either accessing inner guidance/intuition or being aware enough to accept full “responsibility” of our own actions in general.
All these condtionings set us, the humans of earth, up to attach super importance on the systems which we rely to “keep us in line”- “keep us straight”- “keep us together.” Therefore, we hold attachments, stories, and memories in order to keep us feeling safe and valuable. The danger of holding all these attachments and stories so tightly to protect us from isolation and damnation is these are that which make up TIME.
This is how TIME has a personality. Time is us, and we are time, It is with slight glee I can report science is picking up these cosmic cues as well and is formulating new explanations and ‘theories’ for TIME- and science agrees with me/us :) However, it is this writer's educated guess and current perspective presented here, so bear with me- its a process :)
If we evolve a teeny bit to recognize morals, as in shoulds and supposed tos, need not exist when we are each living as sovereign Beings in part of the Whole, we begin to enter a new realm. We realize we (all forms who have ever been, are now, and will ever be) exist as an eternal song woven together which is why everything we say, think, and do DO MATTER.
I did say in the clubhouse talk that actions matter and other things don’t and I was saying that it doesn’t “matter” as in solidify HOWEVER yes the overall bits all make up the whole- “the interplay and the weaving” so yes, it all matters.
If you have the privilege of breathing on planet earth, congratulations, you are a living note in the great song of life (time in human breathing form), for those who are no longer breathing, they are an etched note in our eternal song. There is infinite possibility for the ones yet to come and where a lot of us lay import to. However, since we are a living note and the very personality of time held in our memories, stories, daily life, and projections of an unknown place and time, all we ever have is now anyway. Now is what makes past and future.
This is why what we say, do, and think is always boss and priority- each and every moment. In the same vein, we are learning to release stories of the past which have concreted themselves into form and a type of reality with the aspirations of creating a whole new genre or beat to our eternal song.
When we let go of stories and attachments (karma) we allow expansion and flow of our cosmic eternal song to morph into the most enveloping and dynamic music our cells have ever been imbued within!
Time is not linear!
The fact that now is always all we ever have anyways is great news. Every life Being is “energy expressing ourselves” and we represent a living song which always has been, always is, and will always be (I think I’ve heard other grand Beings portrayed with these same characteristics but this is for another blogspot ;) It also represents the infinite cycle of life which is the soul (sol) of “time” itself, which is all events eternally recorded playing and interweaving our all-encompassing tune of the eternal song- TIME.
We have been conditioned to think of time as linear as a way to streamline the matrix to be as predictable as possible and help our ego self feel safe and secure. Yet it seems to have had the opposite effect where control and tightly guarded stories lead the way to unsafe and unpredictable outcomes. How many times in the past 3 years have you said to yourself, “wow, I didn’t see that coming!” or maybe you did clearly see it decades ago yet the “time” was not ripe for harvest? The fact is that time is a thing, an “it” if you will, not an abstract concept or numbers on a sundial/clock.
If life were a straight line, we could look behind and ahead and be able to roughly predict outcomes fairly easily- yet this does not occur. With nearly 8 billion human forms on planet earth as of the year 2023, we get 8 billion different timelines/realities/perspectives intersecting, corresponding, relating, and resonating (either chaotically or melodically).
I’ve come to see life/time as an eternal song interwoven in the eternal now.
All forms contribute to the frequency of the eternal song, aka time, and those of us with senses to experience infinite selves as finite ones in body or any other form on earth which continue the cycle of life death life death are living memories and actively add to the neverending all encompassing song of life- “time.”
When we view time as an eternal continuum of cause and effect of our now we can then upgrade to not being a slave of the ticking on the clock but infinite creators and inhabitants or extensions of it- and start really enjoying being a part of this eternal song.
Feels good, doesn’t it! Let’s look at the last tidbit we touched on during our 65 minutes (according to earth clock time) in our USoL clubhouse talk- how we can “make” time.
We create/make time!
Can we make time? It’s a phrase thrown around the english language like yesterday’s trash yet it holds profound truths which we can all benefit.
We’ve all had the feeling at one “time” or another where we feel hurried or rushed. We feel the pressure of “time” and it seems to never relent, always hovering over our shoulder and pressing against our minds. Why is it some Beings can produce huge amounts of value over a lifetime and some seemingly amount ‘to nothing?’ Why can a mother of many run a home, a business, a community, and keep herself happy and healthy at the same time when others with no responsibilities other than managing to stay alive and breathe fail to do so? Is it time, the management of it, or something other dimensional all together?
We were honored with a guest from India, Don, in our clubhouse room who brought up ‘Sanscrit time’ and how the very definition of it encompasses the above (and beyond) ideas easily comprehended to the youngest of members as is it embroiled into the very language of the people.
Sanskrit time (yes I had to look it up) According to wikipedia; “Kala (Sanskrit: काल, romanized: Kālá/Kālam, lit. 'Time'), IPA: [kɑːˈlə]) is a Sanskrit term that means "time" or "death". As time personified, destroying all things, Kala is a god of death, and often used as one of the epithets of Yama.”
This very simplified definition not only corroborates our ‘time has personality’ theory, it also shows a continuum between all lives and all deaths, as well as furthering the concept we create time by not attaching to stories or preconceived conditions (death and rebirth).
Lack and abundance mentality is a huge part of our human experience as we either have not enough or enough or overflow every moment of every breath and how we perceive these states change as frequently as we allow our emotions and insights to intercede. It is said we make love, we make money, we make time: we create it, we expand it or we “piss it away.”
If time has a personality, it can be personal. If time is the collective memory and story cloud from all Beings who ever were, are, and shall be, it is infinite. If these are true, we can theoretically tap into the infinite stream personally and expand our own experience of time.
This is maybe the greatest news of all! When we say to ourselves or others, “I don’t have time” we are actually saying, “I am not willing to create the space to do this right now”- it is not to say there is literally no time for the thing. Yet this slight twist of perspective actually convolutes our Being into believing this is so, and we experience the feeling that we do not have enough time. There is so much to cover in this concept alone, here I’ll attempt to plant the seeds from which to harvest ongoing insights and revelations forever more :)
One of my favorite sayings is, “We have all the time we need to do the things we need to do.” This is to say, we do, in fact, make time when we:
I read a book, time marker earth year 2016 ish- E Squared by Pam Grout, in which she talked about “Einstein Time.” This intrigued me as I was just beginning to open up to the interconnectedness of all things and as a single mother of 4 sons under the age of 11 living off the grid in the middle of a national forest in the Ozark mountains- I was desperate for “more time.”
The concept is simple, Albert Einstein once wrote, “People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Time, in other words, he said, is an illusion. Many physicists since have shared this view, that true reality is timeless.
We have all had the experience of time lasting longer when we are being tortured or are bored or are doing something we really do not enjoy and the flip of this experience where we lose track of time and time flies by when we are doing something we enjoy or “are in the flow.” Like now, as I’m writing this piece, time has literally flown by - I’m in a timeless state as my fingers fly against the keyboard of my rose gold macbook.
How do you practically “make time?”
We first envision the end result we wish to create, be it get the house cleaned up or erect a giant skyscraper dedicated to whatever, work backwards in a logical state laying out the broad strokes which constructs the skeleton of the creation, and then we decide what time we will ‘set aside’ or assign to these actions.
This plan allows us several things:
In my practical application over the past 7 or 8 years of this simple yet profound concept has been mind-blowing. When I do not look to the clock to see if I “have time” or not, and I only do the things needed in the moment to accomplish what I assigned ‘time for’, I literally
make time!
I have a feeling this time talk will continue the span of several episodes. This is a juicy contemplation. As we began talking about TIME last Monday, we realized it is a type of chicken and egg scenario. The question is, do we make time as in prioritizing it and making/forcing it into existence or is it created
because we prioritize it in the first place?
To be continued I’m sure, however, I can say here and now creation of time to me is tapping into the infinite time stream known now also known as the eternal song and harnessing it to accomplish and achieve all our hearts desire- thus creating the new earth, eternal life, aka, heaven. As we do this in human form, we are indeed creating heaven on earth which is what the United Saints of Love is allllll about!
Here we are people, what else better do we have to do with our time than create abundance of joy, expression, gratitude, wisdom, peace, and health for all who were, are and are to come?
Keep up the super work!
Integrate these ideas and join us in clubhouse to add to the eternal conversation
See you around Saints ;) kolee and krew
Special thanks and love to Boo Chaison and Phil Mashke for cocreating these talks and being huge inspirations to my family and I throughout these long earth years.
Homage and eternal respect to you both- and all who are here with me/us now.
clock picture taken by Phil as mentioned in the clubhouse talk :)
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