kolee was especially angsty this first week of august 2023- how are you holding up?
The 77 minute United Saints of Love talk recorded live 8/7/23, was lots of righteous anger with authentic care, mixed in with a little pity party, and talking kolee off the ledge of resignation and despair.
With all which was said, on and off the record, clarity is charging in on a white horse this fine 8-8 gate 2023. Here we are people, love and light is boss and we gonna need to flex and use our power and might to transmute this shit now- today. Here are the main points I’ve been realizing lately:
It’s time to balance out the scales and add some passion and righteous anger to our actions. We can no longer pretend all is well as is. Yes, we’re all perfect living in imperfect conditions, but the imperfectness is to a point where we can no longer imagine away the concrete results of these horrific conditions.
Which conditions you may ask? Well, to start- the broken tax system which bleeds working families and individuals dry while the billionaires pay nothing. The broken education system which is teaching old fashioned and outdated curriculum and cannot keep up with current data- a system where memorization is taught instead of how to research data and apply the findings in logical ways based on experimentation and tweaking results. The broken medical systems where poor people do not receive the same treatment as rich ones. The food systems which systematically destroy our life force and vitality on the regular. The broken housing system which has fucked americans so hard, hundred of thousands are without actual modern ‘housing’ and hundreds of millions usa citizens alone are housing insecure- I could go on, but these are great starting blocks.
This is OUR LIFE people! It’s being fucked with majorly, the problem isn’t with surveillance and algorithms, it’s with old sick almost dead consciousness of greed and protective ego (wrapped up in old almost dead bodies) running the show which are killing our souls and bodies quickly. Maybe we all need to die out in order to come back around and begin again- I’m not sure.
I’d rather stay on earth and work from the form I’m in currently I suppose, so as a means to transfigure this sitch, “All hands on deck!” This is what we’ve been training for people.
We are trained holy soldiers ready for battle, and ready/capable to respond. We need to be ready anyway, cuz the tidal wave is here now and we’re either going to be the wave or be crushed by it. It’s time to take a direct and bold stand on what we will and will not put up with- are and are not ok with- set thick boundaries and protect them at any cost. SPEAK UP and SAY something as we see things! It’s ok to have uncomfortable conversations people, we actually MUST have uncomfortable conversations in order to get to the miracle zone. “The miracle zone is just beyond the comfort zone.” mmmkay.
War can arguably be one of the oldest tactics known to humans on planet earth. Has it worked? Can it work? Is it necessary? I’ve grown up in a Barbie and GI Joe culture- where war and heroism go hand in hand. It’s been glamorized and romanticized beyond recognition. Over time, I realized war was a really long term solution of constant threat and control designed to keep the tiny earthlings in line.
Enter Oppenheimer, enter Barbie- we’re baaaaack baby! The war programming is back on the main stage BIGTIME 2023 showing human equality (also how we all can be heroes and fight in a war) and how nuclear bombs aren’t so bad after all. I admittedly have not seen either of these movies yet, but my two sons, aged 14 and 20, have-
of course;)
I used to not be ‘for war’ as a means to “get along.” Lately, I’m not so sure. The holy beast is waking up and saying no more. No more division, no more bullying, no more misinformation. The beast inside all us is rousing and ready to pounce for freedom.
Yes, war brings destruction and death and endings, and isn’t that what earth actually needs to undo the cluster fuck of sad outdated and broken systems keeping earthlings enslaved as a race?
We (humans of earth) are already experiencing tragedy and death and suffering, maybe it’s time to intentionally feel the pain of shifting so we can enjoy the freedom we create through intentional endings.
I’ve been avoiding confrontation and aggression and it’s time to stop - time is now.
The time is now to initiate courteous and straight forward direct conversations on all fronts with all clases, colors, regions, groups, etc - all hands on deck.
Let us each ditch the self righteous bullshit, fear ye not of our own anger and passion, and resolve to realize what’s working and what is not- and fix this shit already.
I just found out whilst working on this post, that
china already has a hundred year plan! Did you smart ones already know this, I bet you did ;) I’m always a little slow - and this is ok- it is time though we all know this stuff, so thank you for being gracious with me; I’ll be gracious with you too ;)
SO other countries are already making long term plans to benefit or at least subdue its citizens/other global citezens entirely AND united states of america are fighting among our own 48 or 50 states- fuck me.
I literally cannot wait for a full on alien take over where humans need to stick together to literally survive - world war WE . I don’t know if this will occur in our shared group dream but it is definitely a thing in my own personal dream state I assure you :)
Letting long term thinking guide the every day actions we take is an extremely beneficial practice which does not just magically pop into being without first properly creating correct conditions to create the thing in the first place!
This is ultimately why The United Saints of Love was created in 2023. It’s a starting point, and I’m willing to contribute to it in any way, shape, and form I’m able. I’m willing to continue learning growing showing up working in the trenches, riding buses and flying on planes- here we are people and we are ready to show up for ourselves, others and the unseen ones- namaste.
PS join the convo (if you dare) in the weekly United Saints of Love clubhouse room and add your voice and presence monday nights 6p pacific - some shows make the practicalsaints talk show podcast, most are available on replay on the clubhouse app and the only real way to hear the whole thing is to join live each monday :)
PSS if you want the recap of, “so what happened was…” of the backstory of getting booted out of the "preservation of the human race" room in clubhouse app mentioned in the USoL talk - here it is (posted originally on instagram):
"So what happened was,
This is a clubhouse house i am a member of and mildly/mostly agree with lots of the core values of the founder from what I’ve been able to ascertain over the past year or so listening to the banter presented and lots I do not vibe with - I’m obsessed with really aiming to find the logic in the division the group mostly advocates for!?!?
I honestly cannot recall what the original title of the room was which I found interesting and when I went in they started talking about how they had been “shadow banned” based on their child sacrifice talks then launched in to “alphabet train people,” “skittle group,” and “rainbow club” people and how they added a “P” and and “S” at the end for pedophiles and satanists.
I’m not fucking kidding, the PRESERVATION OF THE HUMAN RACE clubhouse room was bashing groups in the name of saving the human race! WOW just wow.
It was at this point in the dissertation I chatted, “rainbow dick and rainbow pussy unite.”
They continued blabbing about child sacrifice and how horrible and sick everyone but the mods of the group were and I continued chatting my thoughts on each ridiculously divisive and shallow and basic plot line they brought up- then I raised my hand just to ask how many of the mods speaking so fervently about saving the children actually had children themselves (just curious).
One mod went back to read the chat comments and asked me why I said rainbow dick and rainbow pussy unite- what is a rainbow dick and pussy? I was like, “do you really wanna know?” and he was like, “yeah i wanna know or I wouldn’t have asked.”
SO I told what a rainbow dick was first - a rainbow dick is a person with a dick who realizes the wholeness of his Being- from dick to crown to soles of feet to 6 feet around his body to his family to his community to the whole cosmos he is a part…
…then I realized I had been booted off the stage so I couldn’t talk anymore lmao (it’s the same for a rainbow pussy but with a pussy insteada dick btw in case you are wondering too ;)
The fact this concept of wholeness is threatening enough to boot me is exactly the harmful consciousness dying fast and furious as we (those who can and will) expand through the outdated broken divided consciousness into infinite united cosmic wholeness in order to realize heaven, heaven on earth, a new earth, our own private planet, our personal heaven, nirvana, etc., which IS our selves uniting with our own self first, then with others who are wholly integrated and united in their own Being, and as we all do this- we all begin to form hives and communities where sovereignty and unity reign. Dualism dissolves, and we realize good and bad are one, just from different perspectives. God and Satan are one, becuase there is only one power, one source from which all is from. Bla bla bla and on and on, you know what I’m talking about but I guess many still do not have any sort of clue yet (head pat and sad face in a patronizing and sarcastic way ;)
Anyway, after they booted me a comrade named deviant sex or something like that started chatting in my same vein and they “burnt the room down,” they terminated their room because they didn’t want to deal with different perspectives other than hating the “thems” which did not agree with the mods of this room who were speaking religious zealot talk, who hate abortion and do nothing to support unwanted children and deal with the broken systems which these children are born into, hate gays and queers and group the rainbows in with pedophiles and satanists, hate child sacrifice and would not look at how most all our systems are designed to “sacrifice our children,” like education, food, music, etc.
Preservation of the human race will not happen with a Basic 3D mindset, it can only occur through Based 3D Being.
So thank YOU for being a 3D based Being and fucking up the system with the all powerful uncondtioned LOVE :)
ps join united saint of love in our weekly clubhouse room to talk more about these and any other topic which is ready to be exposed to some light air and source love :)
Link in
PSS Here are the questions and take aways kolee rattled off in the
USoL talk
- take some time to contemplate and articulate a now response to these questions and even
reply to
if you wish
- I’d love to hear from you - I’m a real person, living a real life as best as I can along side you each day:
How do I wanna spend my time
How do I wanna spend my money
How do I wanna use my energy (love)
Who do I wanna spend my money time and energy (love) with
How do I wanna make time money n love
How do i differentiate between friendly terms v co-operative ones
I know this is absurd but I only wanna spend money time and effort/energy/love with people co creating with me - no wait- this is fine. What I need to release is a preconceived/contrived perspective/idea/condition/limitation of what this “co-creation”
Just being around imaginative and creative and open -minded Beings co-creates more imagination creation and consciousness so like what the fuck is my problem? Why am I still gripping onto ideas- o yeah now i remember - I’m actually planning it to be done and others are planning it to hear themselves talk about it ;) got it. k
Brought up by the krew:
“Demystify the woo”
“Indie 500 with a broken bus”
“Continually edit dilutions”
“Pick your battles’
“Tired of the duality”
“Everyone goes back and forth all day every day”
“It’s never gonna be done- paradigm never shifts- always changing”
“Yes! Let’s lose the short term gain for a long term plan”
See you around saints, this kolee out
xxxoo kolee
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