WHO- April and kolee and all Beings, all Divinity and guides
WHAT- Awakening the Age of Aquarius
WHERE- Inside each Being
WHEN- the eternal NOW
WHY- to unlock the magic within each of us!
!!!!!BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!
Of course we say that every day and for every show but seriously, BOOOM baby! If you like tarot cards or whoowhoo space shiz at all,
April Haapala @the_energy_oralce
on insta and
Ascension in your cards on you tube
and kolee rock it outta the park with this season 2 premier! The capital building of the United States of America was literally “stormed” DURING this recording! And no we didn't know about it! We were not a part of it even :)
Watch and listen to the entire cast here, and thank you so much for paying it forward by sharing, liking n subscribing and rating anywhere you can in order to spread this highly beneficial message :) THANK YOU for your kindness, may you be infinitely rewarded in turn ;)
This is a current blog being written 1 13 2021 (twenty twenty won) whilst a global pandemic has locked down the entire planet earth as well as several rumors of the Pope being arrested and now we have the USA President who is scheduled to give up office in 7 days being forcibly pushed out earlier (Impeached AGAIN) and is allegedly retaliating by enacting an military “insurrection” which has effectively shut down the American government. Kinda big news, every week breaking stories and at the same massive rate of 3D “reality” literally BLOWING THE FUCK UP in our faces, we have helpful beneficial Beings coming to us in groves in order to serve and heal those of us who are willing to pull our heads outta our butts. Lol. Here we are! Here we are! Practicalsaint Talks is aligned with the MOST AWESOME beautiful Beings on the planet, and to be clear we do have guests from all over the globe! This year we guests scheduled from UK, India, USA so far!
Uh… well then, I love my job! I love my life haha. What an awesome time to be writing and recording ‘ourstory’ (“his-story/history) I LOVE technology that enables us to get our messages out, to use our creativity to serve, to connect in deep ways with people literally everywhere all the time and thanks to a surge of spiritual intelligence, we are now interconnected with galactic forces both on the planet and off through the merging of our energies and stream of consciousness!
Now, onto the recap and refresh of the info we shared a few days ago.
Connecting to our personal Age of Aquarius- what does that mean? How do we do it?
We go over the new qualities of humans as we shift from the age of Pieces to the age of Aquarius and what we can probably start seeing personally and in the collective consciousness as well! It's SO fascinating that Aquarius is in "charge" of electricity (ya, pun intended ;) and here we are on the brink of technology revolution, showing us that truly what the heavens do, we are a part of and is why we brought this show to you today, in order to serve and assist our fellow humans navigate through this great awe-inspiring shift!
The last several THOUSAND years in Pisces (approximately years 0-2000) was all about hierarchy, following the lead of a few, laying down one's life in order to ascend, and black and white thinking shaped by religious and governmental institutions bent on finding our connection to spirit in a prescribed manner, controlled by a few.
As we travel into the age of Aquarius, approximately year 2000-4000) we begin to lose the concept of a power group being able to lay an exact path to divinity for another. We begin to travel the road of individual intuition, insight and initiation. We enter the egalitarian age of equality and equanimity, that is to say sovereignty and personal connection with Divine Source that leads to collective ascension- being the change we want to see. We all trust each other to “show up as our best selves in order to strengthen the whole.” This new age is about holding space for others to grow as we honor and accept our individual role and way. As we show up each day for ourselves, we automatically empower others to do the same, which in turn upgrades the entire planet to create the new earth unity consciousness known as “heaven.” Heaven is in our hearts a famous enlightened man was said to have taught, "we’re all one" he said~ Jesus. His message, whether he really was a man turned god or a god born to a human body or even walked this earth at all, teaches humans that yes, we are 100% human earthlings and through personal transmutations embody 100% Divinity at the same time and this is possible FOR EVERY ONE ON THE PLANET!
In order to assist us in this great shift, we talked about tapping into sacred Guides and other Galactic Beings who are with us in order to bring about unity, compassion and peace. Sacred harmonious union within our selves, with others and with the Divine! Earthlings are undergoing evolution at incredible rates and at this point, survival of the fittest is real! Those who refuse REFUSE to acknowledge unity with all, those who REFUSE to do no harm, THOSE who refuse to take 100% responsibility (response- “ability”) for 100% what we see, taste, touch, smell and feel ARE DEAD. Dead in a sense that we stay in our own personal hell instead of crossing over to the idea of heaven or nirvana or paradise or whatever other name you identify with. There are levels of hells, there are levels of heavens , there is CLEAR impact of our earth decisions and we’re actually here on earth because we forget where we came from once we get here, like a dream. When we’re in a dream, we have no sense of past, how many times in sleeping dreams are you in one place than all of a sudden in another, only you have no idea how you got there or why the scene changed at all?! Enter earth bodies at birth, and here we are people. It’s time to WAKE UP to the face we’re in a literal NEW AGE. I’m not attached to any dogma or religion, I have realized these concepts basically on my own through divine will allowing me to be taught and upgraded, and this is what I am happy doing to benefit others, is to say what I’ve learned and hopefully I can say it in a way that makes sense and can be immediately integrated and embodied in order for all to heal completely, forever. When we wake up from the dream of this earth matrix and begin to take true response-ability for our thoughts, actions and speech, we connect to serve and heal. We enter the personal age of Aquarius and continue to evolve from homeosapians to homeosanctus. Our physical bodies change, our mental body is changed, our spirit body is changed, nothing is as it was before. This age isn’t about attaching blame or resentment toward those who forged the path for us thus far, it’s about identifying what hasn’t served us and choosing different actions to get different results in the future.
We speak about using Tarot and Oracle cards in order to help us connect to our highest self, our future self that is 100% merged with Divinity in ourselves (cells) with others (seen and unseen) and the Divine All Source. Complete sacred harmonious union, THAT is the one we connect to personally and collectively in this new age! Even our future self that is 5 minutes from now is one we want to connect with in order to serve our now self in making perfectly timed and inspired decisions.
Even when what we see now isn’t what we would prefer to see, we learn to love where we are, and ENJOY the journey of creating what we see tomorrow! Have fun being a human stumbling and tripping along, we’re actually doing fabulously well! Stop the “Who we’re going to be when or who we were because…. Losing judgment and being thrilled with who are NOW. Relaxing allows our best selves in order to support a healthy vital collective. Acceptance of my now AND yours! “What if we just decided everyone is awake?!” By seeing everyone on our path as placed there to help us grow, we can stop labeling every person or event or even thoughts as bad or good, awake or not awake, wise or unwise, we see everything as helpful to our journey. “Negative or positive” is still a label of attachment to an outcome or judgment of events or ideas that keep us stuck in polarity and non motion. Equanimity creates harmony. Sovereignty is defined as “freedom from outside control.” Up until recently, the word was only used in terms of governments, as in a sovereign nation that is self governed and not dependent on other countries for goods or protection. Well, enter the Age of Aquarius! Now this word is openly used regarding OUR OWN BEINGS! So so sososossoooooo cool! So fucking awesome! I wrote a chapter in the
Star Mother collab book (make sure to use the ESSENTIALMIND code for 10% off) by 5D publishing in 2020 titled,
“How I finally arrived at Sacred Harmonious Union with myself.”
This concept is deep and I wrote a
whole blog on it here
too. Relating to April and our talk, the whole message was that we are unique and exquisite, EVERY ONE of us! You, me, “them” “they” us and we! Here we are guys! We’re actually here lol. When we realize our perfection, we then allow for supernatural upgrades that permeate the entire cosmos, inside our own bodies (and I'm saying alll our bodies, we have 7 apparently :) and out! Mind blow right. I know. That’s why we do these shows and courses and writings and offerings, it’s a GIGANTIC undertaking to evolve in one lifetime! Now we know we have sometimes even thousands of different “lives” and we’ll go into timelines and such another time, for here let’s stay focused on realizing our Divinity , being 100% human and 100% divine-- like the ascended masters we idolize with great reverence.
What if we actually gave ourcells (our “selves) that kind of respect and honor?! Anytime we say, “ o I’m not perfect” we degrade and abuse our cells. Let that little gem sink in shall we! It’s HEART BREAKING to see hear smell feel taste self hate, self sabotage, self loathing. Especially when most the time that shit is projected onto THE OTHER, in forms of blame, shame, guilt and contempt, the all illusive “they.” So if we negatively project, it stands to reason we can easily start positively projecting! WOW that’s a great tag line;) “Positively project with kolee lol, you heard it first here folks ;) As we realize our own sovereignty, that we are 100% response able (responsible) through knowing we’re divine Beings sent here to remember that sacred harmonious union within our own cells first then with the other, seen and unseen and Divine Source---- WE’RE IN! Rarefied hormones are secreted that incredibly enhance all our senses and open new pathways and anointed (what Messiah means- Meshiach = anointed one) abilities like walking on water, walking through walls, alchemizing substances and emotions and ideas, etc, YOU SEE??!! Stick with us here, we’ll keep going over it ;)
SO fucking powerful! BOOM. whew, maybe get some tea and contemplate that for a bit then come back to read the rest :) lol. April's main heart and soul message (as well as kolee’s) is everyone is beautiful and powerful and sovereign.
And as we grow in that state, we:
1. can be the best highest version of our cells AS WELL as
2. behave in perfect harmony with others as we interact, build, grow, create with others! In order for “they” to be awesome, “we get to do the work- because “we” are them and must be awesome our self (cellf)! And
3. In order for the collective to be a no harm society, WE must DO NO HARM! It’s really pretty logical and easy to see, yet thousands and thousands of years and lives have been harmed out of justifications and judgments. But ego loves to divide and conquer, by keeping the illusive “them” over there as some mysterious all powerful force, we are robbed of our response-ability and therefore our sovereignty.
Division language - hi ego, we see you! Welcome! Haha Yep, good ole Ego. Now we have demonized ego and religions have tirelessly tried and failed to squash it. Ego isn’t “bad” per se, more like the untrained uncouth monkey in the corner. We need to start seeing ego as a friend actually in order to transmute that shit permanently for the whole. Transmute would be saying we take something and turn it into something else, not by fighting and destroying it but by working with and teaching it ways of serving in a way that actually changes the composition form basic to majestic. Doesn’t that just FEEL better? It does to me! Anytime we’re “against” something, we’re in division/ego. Simple. No exceptions, no judgments either, but it is what it is. The universal law is that we “think” something is “bad”- that is duality instead of unity.
Anyway, one way ego divides and harms is through language. I thought it was a really great point that April brought up about how even our new earth groups have this exclusive language that almost seems designed from the beginning to keep people in the dark, literally. Now leaders are readers and I have had to do all my own work to “know” what I do currently, I didn't have aware parents or community, I have been brainwashed in several religions and pseudo-cults, and I grew up in America. lol , nuff said. So in order to receive the power and clarity I have so far, it took basic free will which ALWAYS unlocks truth. It’s the basis for let’s say 'christian salvation', just use your will to “ask God into your heart.” It’s the basis for all religions, right? Free will prays 5 times a day or meditates endless hours or it eats certain food and wears certain clothes, by free choice or will. And as we grow (either or both in age and maturity) , we either freely chose to continue the practices we were taught or learned or we begin to look elsewhere for direction or connection with Divinity. So point 1, do NOT resist these upgrades because YOU don’t know the language, take 100% Response Ability (that is to say you consciously respond and realize 100% sovereignty in every sitch) and learn it! And point 2 is that just by reading this article or coming to the
essentialmind site
or hooking up with anyone like me, clearly you are already on the high path to living heaven on earth with us and are a part of the earthly “kingdom” New Earth prophesied so many thousands years ago! KEEP GOING and thank you thank you thank you for being here with me!!!!!!!! I love you so fucking much! I’m working day and night to bring clarity and decode this mystical language as I myself am being taught day and night about more and more levels and realms! O ya, plus I have a couple other businesses and I’m mom and dad to 4 awesome new earth children :) So point 3 is IF I CAN DO IT , SO CAN YOU! No excuses here at Essential Mind:) ALL HANDS ON DECK please and thank you! This is literally THE TIME to grab onto the sovereign ones, seen and/or unseen, who are endowing us with this explosive unity wisdom.
April is a huge proponent of tapping into our own creative juices in order to tap further into these awesome wells of Divine wisdom! Oft times when we simply dance around playfully or sing like no one is listening or scribble some words down in a journal or even make a delicious meal or put together a killer outfit, we transcend lower level selves!!!! Imagine the compound effect of consciously creating! Another mind blow right:) It was to me anyway, all my life it was inferred that I was not creative, because I didn’t draw or paint. That limiting belief almost literally killed me SEVERAL TIMES as I had allllll this “inner-gee” (energy) in me, as I was born a healer and empath, with no outlet! If each person was able to create each day, or even like once a week, maybe even once a year would be enough! Who knows, the more we tap into these “new” ways of living, the quicker we will be able to experience the freedom and joy we desire on an individual and collective stage. When we realize the freedom we have to express our innermost Being with ourselves, others and the Divine, I think we probably automatically evolve to higher dimensions. It is that important EACH ONE OF US identify what we enjoy doing and then DO IT, do often as possible. It’s a beneficial cycle where once we start creating, when we let go of expectations and judgments that is, we want to do it more. And again, once we can fully be content with how we express and create, we “positively project” on to the other! Instead of criticizing others because we unconsciously suppress OUR natural abilities or tendencies, we begin to appreciate others differences and their abilities and creativeness! We become supportive allies not jealous terrorists.
Many many thanks to our awesome guest April Haapala! This season 2 kick off, year 2021 kick off and age of Aquaius kick off came together all through Divinity and we pray it truly changes the world- TODAY! Check out all her posts and videos on both
and look for her super helpful course "Journeying in the Spirit" coming soon in Feb 2021! More details on her youtube channel and you can always reach her at her
for more details or questions and also book personal readings with her too! kolee’s
“Re-parenting the ignored child within to deal with the crabby adult today”
can be ordered today at www.whizant.com with payment of $144 not collected until Feb 2021.
April and kolee are super knowledgeable about all things we can’t see but feel and then teach and support others on the journey! Alll are a part of this movement and shift, so do yourselves a favor and hang out with us another 49 minutes today and watch or listen to the entire cast! www.essentialmind.me for a one stop organic shop to purchase new tools to assist you on your new earth journey!
Here we are! “Twenty twenty WON” xo your kolee