We love tantra and we love Ashna! Tantra and Ashna! Season 2 episode 3! Practicalsaint Talks with Ashna about TANTRA practices within in order to manifest anything we ever desire... Realizing how to ultimately powerful we actually are... Fully response Able of of entire lives we create around us
Who Ashna from Vancouver Canada
What shares her cultural and ancestral wisdom on the subject of “tantra” and energetic marriage
Where that merges inside our own “cellves” first and then with others as we begin to co-create with another “inner-gee”
When the student is ready, when the Divine calling can no longer be drown out by substances or agents of busy-ness (busi-ness) and distraction
Why because morality is so “2019” and as we step into the new earth unity calling, we no longer can stand idly by watching blame, guilt, shame and rejection mixed with judgment to call the shots ANY LONGER! In the 2020’s and beyond!
Timestamps and chapters when listening to embedded cast above!
Intro to show Who What Where When and Why
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essentialmind@icloud.com to find out more about how you could feel better and support upleveling on all levels!
Ashna talks 6:22
Kolee takes a small rant about sex 29:29
Alchemy 32:00
Awareness 35:00
End and stay in touch! 42:09
(edited bio from Ashna)
“I come from a background of many ancient practices and teachings. My families, aboriginal indigenous Fijian side. I also come from another mother native before the colonization of my ancestors being taken from their motherland. Hundreds of years later we still attain the rich teachings from Dravidian/Indian heritage still prominent in (the culture by) participating in the rituals and the seeking in knowledge from our community. I am here to give you an insight of the worlds lost forgotten or even purposely hidden spirituality. (I) will be speaking on various subjects like: What is Tantra and Why do most people look at tantra as occult, When “Tantra” (literally means technique) is used to “master the use of your mind and body (and) soul
Working backwards on this cast I think may be helpful for me to recap the essence of the show for you folks who like my commentary as much as you do the “real” encounter captured in youtube land and buzzsprout world, both are embedded above for your convenience :) The why of this cast is the idea of “morality” is old fashioned and useless in a results driven culture. In a global economy, love and money are interchangeable and work seamlessly as one whole unit. In looking at the why of tantra, as it were called, in looking at the equal and holy exchange of “inner-gee” (energy) flowing in and out of each Being back and lovingly forth between 2 or maybe even more individuals! It’s a beautiful why of leaving judgment based on conditioned thinking and forced limits in order to achieve a new creative living dream of “abundance, success and love every day as we inspire those around us to do the same (Gay Hendricks Big Leap)
So ya, as shame, guilt and fear of rejection or abandonment falls away the moral energetic hold dis-solves as well until we are left with what at its’ core is pure beauty and pure essence: alchemy at its’ finest.
Moral fear and superiority used to be boss, but now thanks to the dis-solution of the first ego we enter into a whole new age! A new age where results and experimenting rule! A whole new world of love and laughter, playfulness and discovery support and guide new ideas and imaginings. In this podcast, we get to go inside the traditional teaching of said ancient practices of alchemizing and transmuting the energetic “fingerprints” of the individual and ultimately share that process with another for exponential majestic “wizardry” :) Fucking mind blowing I know, it is if you grasp the implications of what we’re talking about here in this hour! The why of the technique of cellular and energetic harmony within ones own cells and then with at least one other human Being and then with the unseen Divinity within our cells as well as reflected harmoniously externally as well!!!! Boomity boom boom as one of my favorite publishers,
5D publishing company, says :) Use code ESSENTIALMIND for 10% off the Temple shop, get collab books or any other awesome tonic or tool to help up level your goddess temple and sanctuary :)
You can read kolee’s collab STAR MOTHER book and her article on “Sacred Harmonious Union” in ourselves first to further dive into this tantra within topic :)
OKAY! Now with our WHY firmly in place, let’s continue to introduce ‘tantra or technique’ to our daily practicalsaint lives, shall we:)
Our WHEN is established by our highest selves (cellves) when we are “ready.” It is said the teaching comes when the student is ready, and so it is here! This info has come to me because I am ready to dig deeper into the ancient truths as well as the new unity consciousness wisdom that is present here and now for this specific time and for all times to come! BOOM! Also it has come to the West because we in America have transcended enough of our narrow minded compartmentalized vision of each other and the rest of the world and universe to be open to receive higher wisdom of unity and alchemy! SO here we have the perfect storm of beauty and intrigued crossed with bliss and unity, over all it’s a cool place to be camped out for the next few years on planet Earth!
Similarly to the when coming to us when we are ready, the WHERE of this cast also rests inside our very own Being! The popular definition of tantra is linked to sex and romance, as this IS a part of unity technique, it is also only A PART of it! The whole of energetic unification on limitless planes of existence no less can ONLY be led from the internal positioning of self realization or at least self awareness! THEN we are capable to begin “hooking up” with another’s “inner-gee”, then and only then have we passed the warrior response ability test and earn the right to create limitless possibilities and realms!
The WHAT of this show is that we really CAN and DO create everything we see, taste, touch, smell, and feel! We really ARE that powerful! We either create out of unconscious and ignorant slumber (at low vibes often which create “undesirable” results) or we create consciously from a higher vibratory state that leads to desirable and wanted feelings, images, physical matter and such:) It’s a beautiful cyclical pattern of awareness, transcendence and transmutation. It can easily turn to a nightmare ish stuck story scene however at the lower vibed levels (commonly called “hell”) of our 3D earth existences. We get sucked in or addicted to living at a certain level of happiness. To the level at which we were conditioned as a human child to accept peace love abundance and “harmoney” is to the level at which we are able to accept our response ability of creating the peace, love, abundance and harmoney we seek to be a part of for eternity.
Yikes! Big topic today friends, the what is that we are powerful creators, whether or not we see or realize ourselves as that. We can uplevel those impulses, thoughts, ideas and stories with the flip of a mental switch that highlights our perfection and our divinity instead of our failures and insecurities.
The WHO of our cast today is a lovely lady based out of Vancouver, Canada
And she breaks down a practicalsaint lifestyle that helps her connect to her inner Divinity and helps her continue to interact with her family, friends and communities in an authentic, open hearted living and and service oriented manner, that not only leaves the planet better off for future generations but also helps upgrades the universal consciousness of the entire multi dimensional multi versal systems. Yes! So it was….
I will do my best to briefly recap some of the practical pro tips Ashna and kolee touch on to help deepen this connection we all have with our inner selves/cells and God/Divine/Source/Universe/ what have you…
Detoxification leads to easier unification at a cellular level and mental awareness just the same. We can help kick start the detox process at a physical level like preservatives in food and products as well as synthetic dyes and flavors/smells. Becoming aware that these synthetic agents linger for decades in our cellular and physical Beings brings us SO MUCH closer to being able to almost completely remove them from our worlds! WOW , imagine that for a movement with me please please! A world where there is so much harmony and unity between all polar opposites that we no longer have a choice to kill ourcells, only help regenerate and lengthen the vitality of any agent or Being. No more death choices, no more polarization between life and death, we live eternally in the heaven and hell we create at any given moment, any given year or seasonal cycle. It just is. Always is , always was and always will be!
So yeas, eating whole foods as much as possible, simple foods that hopefully are grown near by if not in your own back yard, local animal by products instead of industrialized commercial grown mega rape camps/”farms” (slaughter houses and dairy farms- USA conditions are HORRIBLE) Also going synthetic scent free in the form of candles, perfumes, personal hygiene products, household products, etc…. Goes A LOOONG WAY in detoxifying your cells that have years of dangerous chemical burnoff shoved into your fat cells as a way to protect your vital organs! Eliminating these toxins from coming in as well as helping them dissipate safely, cheaply and effectively is what can lead to emotional and spiritual breakthroughs next!
Simple steps to removing these powerful old stories and patterns comes by fresh clean air, small safe does of the Sun and clean fresh purified ground water or coconut waters, each and every day! Amazing miraculous and magical manifestations comes into existence at a faster and faster rate so that eventually we are instantaneously manifesting exactly what we truly desire at our highest and most lovely vibratory self! (o and then we get to attract that to us as well! So now we are creating a community of loving high vibe “selves” where the bond can never be severed again, no memory loss occurs once we get to a certain deep cellular enhancement that occurs from chemical bonds, DNA/RNA coding and nuclear fusion on all new dimensional landscapes! It’s just really really awesome to be alive during a time like this! Where the past existence still remains yet is sadly outdated and left wanting for more, and lo and behold the hold bride of Shakti inner essential power and creative original flow point descends from heaven on high and gracefully floats above us as our eyes gaze upwards to her beauty… behold the lamb of god who takes the sin of world away.” Yes, that is from the christian Bible and allegedly the words of the Jewish Messiah turned Christian God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. See, HE got rid of morality too! He walked around on earth proclaiming the kingdom of God was INSIDE each person, not outwardly attainable by doing the law, by holy practices, no only by actively living in the blasted 3D polarized dualistic world as a practicalsaint are we able to attain or receive true Divinity, true majestic and sanctimonious sacred holy inner union!
The true secret of tantra is we must let go of any real desire to achieve holiness before we are actually allowed to receive such holiness in the first place. The holiness comes from Being ONE with all that is, allowing our inner essence to coalesce and harmonize within and without and all that is, will be or has ever been. The desire of manifesting powerfully is an awesome pursuit and when coupled with a real desire to serve self and others and Divinity, there is limitless potential and creates incredible hold worlds for eternity!
8 concepts to remember about energetic unification or tantra:
1. It is “energetically communicating”
2. It can be sexual in nature or not
3. Breathing deeply helps one instantly tap into the tantra flow
4. “Shut the fuck up” on a regular basis helps to encourage mindfulness and self realization and awareness.
5. Contemplation is a valuable practice that can help support high vibes basically as well as as any mediation or “sadhana” practice.
6. Information, wisdom, teachers, guides and the like all come when we are personally ready. As in high vibed enough to attract the teaching of any mystical or hidden wisdom.
7. Meditation/zen practices , ie starting blankly and releasing the monkey mind chatter, allowing thoughts to be and becoming the observer of the thoughts as opposed to the creator of said thoughts all bring us to a place of awareness and allow for further mystical and deep experiences.
8. Running cosmic and earth energy is essential in not only protecting our inner essences and maintaining high vibed cellular and spiritual and energetic Beings, but also allows a regular cleaning process to occur so yucky build up does not accrue and “ruin” the vibratory experiences we are looking to create.
Drop me a heart and DM and lmk how you found us!
Talks to you soon :) xxxoo your, kolee