om kolee, skaberen

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Hilsner smukke væsker! "Hej jeg er kolee. udtales som hellig." min vice "på hebraisk og et populært nudelmærke i Japan haha. Praktisk Saint fødte marts 2019 guddommeligt faldende ned på mig og de snedækkede gule tulipaner i min baghave i Fayetteville Arkansas. Det praktiske Saint er en med alle og lever som sådan. Vi ved, hvad vi gør her, påvirker dig der. Vi ser dig som en afspejling af mig. Vi ved, at når vi ser et problem med dig, er det et problem i os. Vi tager 100% "respons-evne" for 100% hvad vi ser, føler, hører, lugter, smager n berøring, 100% tiden. Vi lever i radikal ubetinget kærlighed, hvilket ikke betyder at jeg ikke siger FUCK eller fortæller dig at slå af :) Vi er klar over, at vi er uendelige væsener, der oplever begrænsede kroppe, og overskrider disse begrænsede køretøjer gennem den aktive integrationspraksis for ernæring, bevægelse skabt og åbenhjertet leve. Vi forsøger kun at lide for at transmittere det lort permanent for det hele. opmærksom på, at den verden, vi ser, er en individuel verden, som er indviklet i vævet med alle andres "verdener" er den vigtigste måde for praktisk Saint-stil. Essential Mind-mission begyndte omkring 2008, da jeg så, at det, der blev spises til os fra prædikestolene, det hvide hus og skoleborde, IKKE var min sandhed! Jeg begyndte at indse, at uanset hvad jeg gjorde, hvordan jeg gjorde det eller hvem jeg gjorde det med, ville der altid være modstand fra en anden. Ligesom da jeg var 20, blev jeg betragtet som dårlig, fordi jeg forlod den kristne kirke og begyndte at elske og leve med naturen og brugte plantemedicin. Derefter blev jeg "hellig" og gik ind i judismen, som de kristne bjergede til, jeg var ond, og de forfulgte mig. Loven jagede mig stadig ned, fordi jeg havde mine babyer naturligt derhjemme og drak rå mælk. Efter at jeg indså, at jeg var elskelig, skiltes jeg og flyttede min familie på 4 drenge til vores sommerhytte off grid nede i MIDDELEN I NOGEN ARKANSAS, og igen ved at omfavne mit naturlige selv skabte jeg en adskillelse, som de omkring mig ikke gjorde t accepterer min sande guddommelighed og ville skyde deres lave niveau af viden om ånd ned ad min hals. Ikke ønsker at spille sejren, og afvisning er min egen personlige kerne sår, som jeg skal tackle med i løbet af denne levetid, men jeg er aldrig blevet accepteret af LGBTQ (rediger, jeg tror "Q" er væk fra alfabetet toget nu lol ) samfund, fordi jeg ikke er homoseksuel nok eller ikke hader mænd nok eller eller eller og det går. Pointen er, at jeg så, uanset hvem jeg var, eller hvordan jeg boede, der altid ville være en anden, der vurderede mig. Derefter huskede jeg refleksionen, de ser, er et personligt problem, de projicerer på mig, og det er virkelig aldrig noget af min virksomhed, hvad de alligevel synes! Da mit liv skiftede dramatisk på fantastiske og mirakuløse måder, begyndte jeg at føle mig mere og mere selvsikker på at skinne ud, hvem jeg virkelig kom til at være i stedet for at gemme mig i frygt og overensstemmelse, "hvis dette er ondt, tilmeld mig" blev mit motto;) Så her er jeg, jeg lancerede dette fine websted Jan 2020, og vi kører på de store bølger nu venner! MITT HENSIGT MED VÆSENTLIG HJÆLP ER AT UDLEJE KAPTIVET EGE OG FOR ALLE frygt, skam, skyld, smerte, lidelse, splittelse er død Gammel ego er væk. Ny jord, ubetinget kærlighed er her for at blive. Det, vi ser, er altid en afspejling af, hvordan vi føler os inde. Det er også altid en afspejling af, hvad der sker med den kollektive eller massebevidsthed. Da jeg begyndte at undersøge og afsløre programmering inden for mine intuisions- og bevidsthedsområder, begyndte mit helbred at blive bedre. Da jeg aktivt deltog i min egen helbredelse, begyndte de omkring mig at blive sundere. Da jeg aktivt begyndte at skabe passiv restindkomst med det, jeg brænder for, blev jeg økonomisk fri, og mine venner begyndte at have flere penge. Da jeg aktivt anerkendte, at jeg selv var elskelig, skiftede jeg ud af skadelige forhold. De omkring mig begyndte at støtte og se mig! Jeg ser fortsat, hvordan mine egne historier ændrede sig, verdenen omkring mig gjorde det også! Det er en virkelig fantastisk og hjælpsom årsag / virkningscyklus! Nu er vi her i år 2020, og jeg ser mig omkring og ser de fedt, syge og brækkede systemer, der gisper efter luft. Jeg smiler. Jeg smiler, fordi folket frigøres, og det er mit livs mission at hjælpe alle med at se, at buret er åbent, og hvis jeg kan lære at frit elske igen, så kan du også. Alle disse skift og gennemgange var utroligt styrkende og nogle ødelæggende også. Smertefuldt, fordi menneskeligt ego klæber sig til "det samme", selv når det tydeligvis gør ondt. Når vi lever fra et højere perspektiv, bliver ubehag spænding og eventyr i stedet for frygt og terror. Da jeg indså min egen værdi og fandt lighed med alle dem uden for mig, kunne det, der var inde, endelig slappe af og virkelig legemliggøre guddommeligheden indeni! Himmelen er i vores hjerter og arbejdet er begyndt - lige nu. Det store skift, overgangen, den nye jord, Kristus bevidsthed, enhedsbevidsthed er NU! En sidste nugget, denne "opgradering" af vores cellulære DNA-væsener, er den "frelse", som de fleste sidder længe tilbage og venter på eller hævder at modtage, fordi de ved at kende en anden mand, der gjorde det for tusinder af år siden. Det er en religiøs vittighed og en, der er absurd accepteret og kommer frem som den manipulerende, snoede og onde svig, det virkelig er. Tak fuld afsløring, tak videnskab, tak teknologi !!!!!!! PS og vigtigt at bemærke: Når du læser dette sted på ethvert tidspunkt, når jeg berører en af dine "tro" eller "følelser", kan du genkende det og spørge dig selv, hvorfor? Hvorfor klæber jeg mig så desperat ved en fed syg n brakt redningsflåde, hvis det er en arbejdsegn for dig, er det suplicerende? Kan alle komme på yoru-tømmerflåde med dig, eller holder du det uformelt i hjel? Hvis du identificerer, at du kunne bruge en opgraderet redningsbåd, opfordrer jeg dig til at droppe forsvaret og derefter tænke, overveje, læse, skrive, forske for Guds skyld og ... fortæl yer frenz xoxō k "kolee og krew er her, lige nu, for at hjælpe andre, der er klar over, at vi alle er én. For at helbrede vores egne celler (selv) må vi opnå en hellig harmonisk forening inde i vores eget sind, krop og ånd. Væsentlig sind er den harmoniske forening det kommer kun fra denne integration indefra, som igen dukker op i det, vi ser, føler, lugter, hører, smager n berøring. Yderligere mere og sandsynligvis den mest spændende begivenhed at se for mig personligt nu, siden jeg har sagt disse ting i en ubesværet tid nu, er hvordan det begynder at dukke op i vores globale systemer som skoler, regeringer og kirker ~ GLOBALT! velkommen alle velkommen velkommen velkommen Vores mission er at tjene og hjælpe med personlig, virksomhedsmæssig og guddommelig cellulær DNA-transformation her på blågrøn og i th e hjerte centreret ånde verden. Vi skriver, taler, føler, spiser, handler, køber anderledes for at FÅ RESULTATER! Vi er her for at ændre ideer og støtte tankesæt skift. Dit engagement er fuldt ud følt og værdsat! Namaste kære. "Essential Mind blev født i 2012 i din tube land, url blev købt i 2016 og lanceret januar 2020! Tak til alle, der har hjulpet med at gøre det så. Måske dette sted tjene en redningsflåde til dem, der vil. Namaste, jeg er evigt din kolee. "Min familie og jeg er personligt blevet påvirket af de mange foruroligende problemer, der florerer i øjeblikket. Ting bliver bragt til overfladen nu, og jeg er ydmyg over at kunne dele og tjene gennem kloge ord :) "Jeg er en faktisk forælder til FIVE MALE HUE MAN BABIES! En regelmæssig barbar traumatisk hospital fødsel, en dybest set Elsker cool all naturlig doula assisteret hospital fødsel, første hjemmefødsel i en fødselsbassin jordemor deltog i fødslen, en jordemoder og assistent og fotograf og bedste ven med sin søn og mand på det tidspunkt ... ja og så min første doterra baby hvor jeg havde en smuk jesus tavs natfødsel af mine drømme og så her er vi. Læs bogen "Fødsel i den kommende tid" skrev jeg i 2010 efter den første hjemmefødsel, jeg nød! Det giver helt perspektiv på, hvad der "foregår" i øjeblikket i væsentlig sindbevidsthed. Bemærk: Jeg har helt klart ændret perspektiver flere gange siden offentliggørelsen af Birth of the Age fremover, du kan læse det gennem linserne i sindet, der skifter galaktisk, og at alt er godt. Vær forandringen og lev til nu kære. Live for nu :) Start med at oprette forbindelse her på bloggen eller i sociale medier land :) Shop gennem helingsportalen for at udvide netværket og fortsætte guddommelig transformation. @practicalsaint blog her for at tjene og opmuntre, når vi navigerer sammen om livet sammen med forundring her! så taknemmelig at du stoppede ind! Tak evigt for dit væsen! snak snart xoxo, k

praktisk helgen blog

Af kolee Hemenway 18. august 2023
Greetings beautiful saints, This week’s live chat held in the USoL Clubhouse app room, aka the “Pratteling prelude to war,” we touched on a couple of ideas that actually all came together in a neat little bundle basically dealing with: Physical labor/action with awareness as based 3D divine Beings ends up being really practical saint stuff, Keeping solid 3D objects as a record of living/past actions- also known as hoarding, is both a way to be “on the record” with what we did actually manage to put effort or action into and is also basic 3D living which keeps us basic and wandering/frustrated, and Getting outside the work/life circle and including others in our life means redefining “creation” as creating enjoyable memories AND creating solid stuff to benefit the whole in order to feel truly fulfilled. Let’s dig in shall we :) Action with awareness I have Gypsy blood. My mother’s family came from a Bohemian area in then called Czechoslovakia- literally gypsy land, my family were among the europeans who got on the boat and came to good ole USA. My mother’s family landed in Nebraka and endured farmer/plain life in the early 1900’s, my father’s family originating from Viking culture came across on the Oregon Trail and settled the West in Idaho. We’re traveling folk. I’ve had 5 different schools plus some college and lived in over 13 houses up and down the west coast and into the ozarks before I moved out at age 17. After I became master of my own household I’ve lived in at least 10 other houses, mostly all of them with my name on the lease/title. You could say I'm programmed to not hold on to stuff in order to hold onto to memories or remind myself what I’ve created in the past. In the same vein as keeping old stuff around to remind of the past we keep old locations /routines in place just as a lazy brain easy pathway type thing. When we act with awareness and wholistic intentions (reborn ego running the show instead of outdated old ego) we almost automatically become the opposite of hoarders. We easily let go of yesteryears’ stuff to stay present and enjoy advancements and our accomplishments. This can be seen and felt on the global stage in terms of never-ending wars over resources and boundaries, our medical, scientific, and technological advancements, and our education systems which feed the outdated and useless memorized information of the past story. Getting rid of dirt, stuff, memories, and bugs As practicalsaints and united saints of love and aware human Beings, we are ready to let go of the old to make room for the next. We create the infrastructures at home with our own personal lives first then it ripples out to the whole of consciousness- see :) I know we are all doing it and I want to say thank you from my whole Being for reading this and caring and being a part of my world and allowing me to be a part of yours. If you feel free and giddy about the days ahead, awesome sauce for you, and keep going, thousands of lives are depending on YOU to stand strong and enjoy the ride. If you do not feel quite so free and light, it may be time to do some inventory and do something different to get different results. One of my favorite sales mottos was, “nothing changes until something changes.” See it’s when one has an issue (cognitive dissonance) with the present, one must change the present actions so the ‘future’ can change-here there are no judgments, only observations, and if one isn’t happy with the results - change the action for the god within’s sake! In the monday talk, we spoke about taking action and seeing the blocks and hurdles on our path which we can either look at as blockades and give up or we can feel the fear and do it anyway. This 3D earth is full of dirt, stuff, memories, and bugs. It is a training ground for transcending basic 3D thinking into based 3D living where we do not give a rat’s tail rip about how others perceive our process or results. We start from a base of being safe, kind, and respectful, not hurting ourself or others, and if we make a mess- we clean it up right away, and from here it doesn’t matter what others think. We each need to stay busy with managing and living our own life not meddling and judging each other’s. We then matter to our own life, we are empowered and powerful, and from our empowered overflow, we can then be powerful friends, neighbors, family, community members, etc. “Humans just need to matter” - Phil recounted a story of a small town of about 800 population with a decent budget who refuse to work together and hold onto petty stuff leading to suffering and frustration for all involved- we are those town members when we cannot see through the woods and include the well-being of the entire forest. If we are not aware of our insights and inner guidance, we do not ever grow mature enough to trust ourselves to respond quickly and correctly to each and every situation at hand- we stay stuck. When we are stuck we feel powerless and puny. We then shy away from true commitment and long-term connection in creating something amazing. To assuage this insecurity and frustration, we latch onto the most petty and insignificant “matters” to feel powerful and significant again. These are the critical/judgemental folks who criticize instead of jump in and ‘just do it.’ You see, when we aren't capable of connecting or creating- we blame and complain, it’s the ole victimhood instead of responsibility model. It’s super easy to fall into this cycle, and the only way I’ve found out of it, is to let go let go let go (of whatever I can in order to stay in the present) and whatever is right and correct and healthy and vital will stay. The benefit of now never dies off when we get rid of an item or idea or person, because the benefit of now is eternal when we are aligned and integrated with the beneficial source. It’s the whole lack mentality and insecurity shtick which contributes to hoarding or holding on to stuff and ideas and memories which do not currently serve or even reflect the Being we are in the now. When we live in abundance and confidence, based on real life experience and experiments, we easily let go of outdated ideas and possessions to continue to expand or flow with (woowoo alert) the cosmic force/source we’re all a part. Sometimes, a huge overhaul is necessary, sometimes all it takes is a couple of minor tweaks in an area or two which add up to massive change and we already feel back in the saddle and ready to ride. Defining committed and creative communities Once we are brave enough to do something different to get different results from what we’ve previously created, we have some blanks to fill in. We now are in the position to create a whole new life based on new habits, patterns, awareness, and actions. Participating IN the memories IS what “life” is all about, hence, “our lives are made up of what we do each day.” THIS is what co-creative friendship/aka community is! Not only do humans just want to matter, we also want to be valuable to the whole and offer the overflow of our intentionally created/curated life with others. Enter the Inner circle theory- yes, I made this one up :) What is an inner circle? Why is it so important at this moment in space and time? If we are doing the much-dedicated work of culling and prioritizing how and with who we spend our time, money, and energy (love) - it’s muy importante to invest our 100% devotion with others who are 100% devoted as well. I’ve come to distill the inner circle definition as this: “An inner circle member is one who is 100% committed to the circle’s wholistic wellbeing.” This defines that an inner circle member is both 100% committed to being IN the circle and part OF the circle, and all actions are intended to bless and benefit both the sovereign one and the sovereign whole with abundance, well-being, and wholistic prosperity. Talking about making memories and making memories are different! Talking about plans one could take with another is different from actually taking the action. It’s exhausting to be all talk and procrastinate taking the action itself. In the end it mostly always ends up being a bit easier and more enjoyable than we forecasted anyway and if it is as hard as we thought it would be, at least it mostly always ends up being very worth the effort. I’ve also seen how we use the same, if not more, energy on the thinking and planning and worrying and forecasting the thing as we use to just do the thing and see what needs to be tweaked and refined as we continue working with the thing we created. It’s the whole learn/do/learn/do model and we’re in a time where all the training is adding up to one big message: THE TIME IS NOW! This is literally what we (the healers, light-workers, shadow workers, therapists, shamans, guides, seers, etc., and bla bla bla -whatever label works is fine here) have been training for and it’s time to trust our inner Being, our original essence, and follow the “next indicated step,” which may be to do nothing or to do something- the point is to put all this training and effort to use in an expanded way in order to not only protect ourselves but also to enhance the experience for millions of other earthlings right now in 2023. By accepting ourselves as powerful and worthy and ready, we indeed are. However, if we don’t- we aren’t. We can do ANYTHING we want with our time/lives, with who we want, when we want- and then we just don’t make commitments we do not intend on following through prioritizing. We set clear terms with others on what we can and will do and in turn hold our own time, money, and energy/love as sovereign and do not engage it with those who are not 100% committed and capable of co-creation with us (when creating life with another, obviously we spend or give our time energy, and love on those who are not part of the inner circle, but as overflow not part of creating it with another;) After taking such big leaps of action with awareness and cleaning out the old shit, what could possibly stop us from creating and co-creating enjoyable memories with others? Distraction. Hello distraction, we see you, we love you, we thank you for your service of not getting too attached to things, places, and ideas when we were less mature and aware. We’re mature responsible adults now, you can leave- we got it from here ;) As mature responsible, committed, and capable Beings, we take 100% responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and words and no longer have the luxury of excuses, old stories, or blame to fall back on. At first, it seems horrible to be 100% responsible (having the duty to respond and being able to respond) for our lives, and then the sun gently streams in with its lovely golden light and birds merrily chirp away and butterflies float around. Ok, maybe it doesn’t feel this grand yet, honestly though, there is no greater joy than knowing we are 100% in charge of our life. Blame is probably the greatest distraction human beings have come up with to cope in this rapidly changing consciousness. Blaming does “scratch the itch,” but it also “spreads it around” - it’s a poison which kills progress. This blame shit doesn’t fly in an inner circle or community where there is real stuff being created/co-created. Blame and benefit are like oil and water, they just don’t mix well. Committing to ones self first is key. One can only commit to others well being after their own is completely taken care of. This is the love yourself like you love god and love others like you love yourself idea. In an inner circle dynamic, each one in the circle is 100% committed and capable of caring for their own Being and from this overflow, it is freely shared with the circle in whatever beneficial means is called for at the time. Each member is confident in their own wellbeing and confident their membership to the circle is of value to every other circle member. Whether the circle is 5 people or 500, it takes EVERY SINGLE BEING to be 100%. Why is a circle even needed? Well, I would say ‘times are tough’ -in general :) And by standing strong with a trusted inner circle, we are clearly stronger. You can do it alone, I have, and over the years I’ve learned to do it as a team and I love my team. There are many layers to a community, and what we get to do over the next several decades on earth is team up with like-minded players who know our weaknesses and love us for them AND add value to the whole team by supporting the strengths we have as well! Confident Leaders are an integral part of the inner circle dynamic. In order to shine bright in our natural skills and experiential wisdom, we need to feel safe in order to expose our divine essence. We need to be confident enough in our own abilities so we do not tear down other’s skills and abilities, or pounce on others’ weak spots so we can feel stronger or brighter. When we are truly confident, which comes from experience and integrating outer validation with inner knowing, we can remain servants without recognition. This authentic confidence eliminates competition and comparison - again the more secure one is the less needy one is for recognition or keeping “stuff” around to remind ‘what we’ve accomplished.’ A fun united saints of love law we made up on monday was that all members need to experience all jobs of the community at some point. To truly appreciate and be able to relate to all members, thus holding the commitment to the whole circle’s wellbeing, we need to ‘walk a mile in each other’s shoes.’ I’m a ‘in the trenches’ type leader who enjoys getting in the muck with the krew and being a part of the action, this is inner circle thinking which leads to real respect, endearment, and commitment. We value the people, places, and things we spend time, money, and energy/love on. The more we spend our lives being involved with our dear power circle, the more enjoyable life becomes- even doing the hard things we get to do from time to time;) Every inner circle member is a confident leader and leads to a dynamic where all members are aware of many many wormholes and dimensions including: Learning to enjoy the suffering as an art and adapting to all situations with awareness and empathy, Learning to be board or sit with tension holding awareness to move forward with creative and fresh actions, Sitting and staring/staring into the static both holds suffering as an art as well as harnessing the bored feeling into creative action through conscious awareness and discipline, and Making it a daily practice to let go of physical stuff, mental stuff, emotional stuff, any and all stuff which would cause the whole circle to suffer unnecessarily. And as always, an inner circle remembers that our lives are made up of what we do each day :) I hope this rambling recap about creating the life we want and sharing it with those who are equally committed to creating the same resonates at some level and maybe inspires new thoughts or actions- maybe you will even jump in some monday to co-create the next conversation :) see you around saints! k Extra credit- just some ‘Show Synchronicities’ to enjoy: I started watching the Bee Movie before the show and my alarm went off for USoL - we talked in our USoL talk- we ended with Phil going to kill the ants and kolee going to watch the rest of the Bee Movie :) kolee watched Big Top Pee-Wee over the weekend, Phil did a Pee-Wee impression during the show before being told about the Pee-Wee movie. Phil is getting a watch, kolee said earlier in the day (or the day before) “it’s time to get a watch,” and imagined what it would look like to wear a watch ( Phil repeated the line in the aforementioned Pee-Wee voice) Good times, Listen in and or add your voice into the weekly clubhouse convos monday 6p pacific usa time if you dare ;)
Af kolee Hemenway 10. august 2023
kolee was especially angsty this first week of august 2023- how are you holding up? 
Af kolee Hemenway 2. august 2023
This week’s topic is inspired by the live unrecorded conversation held July 31, 2023 in the United Saints of Love clubhouse room . We never know what exactly will show itself during these talks, and all topics are welcomed in order to transmute the stinky shit of humanity into glitter fairy poo- practically ;) This talk, among most all talks held in this sacred space, about porn leads to several key inquiries we can all contemplate this week as a way to continue expanding our collective unity consciousness and benefit our entire Beings. As a mother of 5 sons, ages 26-9 currently, and a fellow sex curious Being as long as I can remember, I’ve dealt with porn many ways and have come to several conclusions I will share here. DISCLAIMER Although these insights were inspired by a group convo, as always, the following are all kolee Hemenway’s current thoughts and feeling regarding this topic- are subject to change at any time and always within the context of: be safe, be kind, be respectful, don’t hurt anyone or anything, if you make a mess- clean it up right away. kolee n krew,, United Saints of Love, and all other affiliated organizations do not promote, condone, or accept sex trafficking, human trafficking, nonconsensual sexual acts, and or under-age sex/porn in way shape or form. All this said, let’s get into the 5 reasons porn could be used beneficially in the expanded unity consciousness we are a part. It allows us to be curious without participating in the act we’re interested in It allows us a fantasy path without harming another or ourselves It can be used to boost our mood and harness sex magic for ourselves It allows us to transcend cultural taboos and break out of conditioning It can assist in breaking the guilt/shame/blame game when we realize we’re not alone Pornography is defined in miriam-webster dictionary as - “ depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement .” Traditionally porn is tied to media (therefore technology) however depictions of erotic behavior predate recorded media forms as expressed in ‘non-recorded open to observers’ as in sex parties, orgies, stripper joints, and other sexual expressions designed to get the ole sex imagination juices flowing. In our talk, we touched on the pain of separation and lack of intimacy when using porn as the primary sexual experience, however since one of my missions on earth is to obliterate the shame, guilt, and blame cycles we’re gonna put a thoughtful spin on the use of porn and see if we can’t transcend the limited beliefs and judgments on one of the oldest and most powerful gates into the human psyche. Here we go. If you don’t agree with some or all these points, please take some moments to ask yourself why. Ask yourself if you are truly interested in being at one with all the cosmos and if yes, how can these contemplations support loosening the grip of blame, shame, and guilt within our own lives and ripple out to relieve billions of other souls on planet earth today as well. Porn allows us to be curious without participating in the act we’re interested in First, let me say I am grateful for porn industry professionals who dedicate their lives to exiting the misguided notion that sex is bad or taboo, or not healthy to talk about or give priority to. Professionals in any industry can be appreciated, even when we do not agree with the overall message, and I deeply appreciate sex workers in all capacities. Showing fresh unique sex moves, staying healthy and fit, and being brave while inspiring others to do something different is respectable- so thank you sex workers. With the commonly accepted oldest porn around on film being 1896 , we realize humans and porn go together like bread and butter- we like it- we like it a lot. If humans like it so much, why has porn been so demonized and harshly judged? I suspect it has to do with the rampant addiction to blame, shame, and guilt we love to roll around in as human adults. Pornography is just like any other indulgence, it tastes good so we do it more, then we need more to get the same high, then we need to twist it to incorporate guilt and shame in order to really fill the addiction hole. It’s a process. What if we just enjoyed porn for what it is and led healthy balanced lives which included sex, food, intimacy, community, contemplations, insights, and breakthroughs? Most humans cannot do this balanced life thing so well yet, so we get twisted results. However, if matured adults could openly view porn, get sexually stimulated, and carry this energy of creation into the other balanced parts of our lives- how much better off could the world be? I say we would all be much better off. How much better would it be if when we’re curious to experience any act, we could “research” it and experience it through learning and observing instead of going ‘balls deep’ and doing the thing right away? We do research all the time before we dive into a project, why in the world is it different with sex? Seriously, lighten up people, ditch the shame and guilt, and have fun being a curious Being. Spice up your current sex life (alone or with others) by researching some stuff and seeing what gets us juiced up. It may be frightening if we get turned on by animals or relatives or same-sexed humans but at least we can accept our curiosity as normal and healthy instead of allowing the feelings to harbor shame and repression. “We’re only as sick as our secrets,” the age-old alcoholic anonymous adage goes. When we can admit to ourselves we’re curious about anything, be it sexual in nature or otherwise, we instantly feel relief and gain clarity into the why of the interest. When interest is acknowledged openly, to ourself at least, it either goes away or we realize we want it in our lives longer. Either way, repression is kept at bay and we release shame, guilt, and blame and are empowered to check out different things and stay fresh and alive. Porn allows us a fantasy path without harming another or ourselves Similar to the first reason, after we’ve initially ‘done our research’ with awareness and harmlessness, porn can actually be therapeutic. There I said it, porn can be therapeutic. A host of therapies previously counted as harmful substances and practices have now been recognized worldwide as effective and legitimate tools. In this same vein, pornography can be used as a beneficial tool to really work it out with your self without involving other humans (i.e. feelings, emotions, reactions, and other egoic responses we’re likely to encounter when working with other humans). This being said, I do not advocate we stay here forever. Using porn as a path to personal healing can only take us so far, as can other therapy modalities- eventually, we need to expand our boundaries and include other humans if we are to grow and become ‘unconsciously competent’ in any area of our lives. The messiness of other human responses or judgments/opinions causes a lot of us anxiety and uncertainty, coupled with the already messy and sticky topic of sex equals inhibitions and super anxiety! All this does not add up to relaxation and contemplation or awareness as we delve into sexual intimacy, so using porn privately could be a great way to explore without fear of others' reactions. Although creating this private sacred space to explore sex can be useful, it will not be so if what we are watching or reading is advocating nonconsensual harm. We cannot ‘do no harm’ while indulging in harmful porn. Harmful meaning nonconsensual causing harm to self, others, and our relationship with the divine/unseen ones. We cannot separate the humans who produce sex porn from the humans we know and love. If we get off watching someone get raped, yes this is better than going out and doing the rape ourselves, HOWEVER, in this piece, we are looking at consensual adult sex and the benefits of viewing sex acts created by consenting adult participants and not glorifying acts which have clearly caused harm to many people on earth. It’s ok to like pain, it is not okay to cause others to feel pain when they do not want it. The twisted sex view is only brought into existence in the first place because of all the repression and avoidance of sexual arousal and acts, so the point here is to let go of archaic beliefs built on conformity and control. Maybe you like watching other people have sex but haven’t been comfortable enough yet to open up to real humans who enjoy you watching them, so you watch it on a porn video- boom- mission accomplished. We indulged our fantasy of watching without having the watched ones have sex in our physical presence. This is just a tool remember, so hopefully one can get comfortable privately and then if it feels beneficial to continue with, we can do so with other consenting adults and have some fun in bodies with others now that we’re more comfortable with our own desires and quirks. Porn can be used to boost our mood and harness sex magic for ourselves In this current planet matrix, we are exposed to billions of beliefs, ideas, issues, and actions. It can be overwhelming to decipher between bullshit and benefit. If we are truly on a path of realization, one of the most potent and effective forms of harnessing and transmuting energies comes from sex magik. In real-time, with 2 or more adults present, emotions run high when sex is added into the mix which can inhibit introspective and mindful actions. This is where porn can also be beneficial to us at times. When we are singularly focused on harnessing infinite sexual power, we really can create anything we desire. Instead of creating a baby with someone else, wouldn’t it be awesome cool to create dreams, initiatives, and solid structures through the act of sex? The problem is we’re not so experienced with this form of creation yet as a human species and we need to have some alone time to work on it before we bring its vast power of creation out into the world with other people. Enter porn. While I do not advocate using porn exclusively for the purpose of this point or any other point presented in this piece, it is a starting block and one I feel deserves recognition. Sometimes we just feel down, instead of reaching for a sugary treat or an alcoholic beverage or even smoking a joint, consider rubbing one out instead. Do it with intention and awareness. Read articles, books, watch videos on tantric sex, sex magic, and any other energetic manifestation tool where sex and sex energies are used - then put it to practice with yourself first. If one needs a bit of support to get going from porn- by all means - use it. Let’s get this party started, shall we :) I learned how to astrally project a few years ago, and using this same technique of breathing back and forth between our main energy centers of the body is the same basic technique used to harness sex power and ‘ nut up the spine ’ and can be used alone and with other conscious Beings, it isn’t rocket science yet it does require a degree of precision and attunement- so go easy and enjoy the ride. Connect with a sex positive professional at any point for extra support on this wholistic sensual journey. Sex is a freeing and enjoyable experience when given the correct conditions, it’s time we take the power back and transmute it into something beautiful and beneficial. All this being said, like any other point, don’t get stuck here. Have the courage to engage with other consenting adult humans and see what you can create together. Porn allows us to transcend cultural taboos and break out of conditioning Back in the day (and I mean today still in many circles) sex is defined as 2 adults, one male, the other female, and is used as a means of procreation- to make more humans and keep the species (and religions/governments) alive and well. Boooooooooooooooo. This definition sucks and needs to be most heroically redefined, which can only happen as we (personally) realize not only how sacred the act of sex actually is but how vast and diverse, and interesting sex can actually be! When we engage with pornography at any level, chances are we will discover something we did not think of on our own before. I have for sure. I’ve also had the intense pleasure of 3 years of abstinence as a grown-ass adult woman to reflect on my true desires and refine my own tightly guarded opinions, judgments, and conditions- yes I used porn a couple of times but at one point a year or two ago I realized how sick and broken the mainstream porn feed actually was. It turned me off from using porn as a way to get excited for now and I started using my own imagination to do the trick exclusively. Enter a real blood-born lover where, because I had set up an intentional space for me to break out of what I was trained to think versus how I actually felt, I attracted a beautiful, free, playful lover who is patient, kind, fun, and sexy too. Yes! We don’t have to use porn to break out of cultural conditioning, but we can, and when we use it with intention and awareness, it can be a really awesome experience designed to help free our minds and bodies safely and effectively. Everything is okay when it’s done between consenting adults, it becomes fun and exciting when there is real depth and respect between all people involved. There is no shortcut, if you use porn as a way to just get off, you may stay in this hell state until you die. Sorry, no sugar coat here, although I am pointing out how porn can be used beneficially, if we don’t grow with it and branch out to real intimacy and honesty, we stay stuck and immature. Porn can assist in breaking the guilt/shame/blame game when we realize we’re not alone WE ARE NOT ALONE! You are not alone. I am not alone! We aren’t that fancy a species yet, we have basic desires and basic ways to get these desires met. Yes, we are imaginative and creative and artistic as human Beings- but seriously, we’re not that advanced as humans yet. A commonly quotes bible verse goes something like, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” What does this have to do with guilt, shame, and blame? Everything. If we can relate to another human, we can receive a bit of humanity. If we can realize one other person, yea, many others, have dealt or are dealing with what we too deal with - we can take a breath and relax a bit. We are not monsters, we are not sick, we are not disgusting or worthless. We are perfectly imperfect divine Beings in human bodies as living consciousness in form (with brains and hearts and guts and power). What ego does is separate to obliterate. When our divine essence can get divided from our forms, we are already dead. This is what ‘being born again’ implies, it’s the re-birth of our divine essence connecting with our physical earth bodies! This is good news! I love how kolee preaches the gospel whilst advocating for porn- all is well people- all is well;) Again, this advice or perspective isn’t meant for us in order to hang onto and rationalize our suffering away, it is to remind us how awesome and truly perfect we actually are so we can move on and shine brighter in more ways. We aren’t alone because if we can find it on the internet, at least one other person can relate, and after we feel relief that we aren’t the only one on earth going through what we are, we can also find evidence that others have also transcended the suffering we are going through as well. See, once we get the validation that other people like what we like, we can also get validation that if it is hurting ourself or others, we can find the same freedom from the thing that others have found as well. In summary, we can explore different sex paths and actually learn from what we see as we harness the power of sex in our own Beings, it can lead to the realization we are all connected, and unity consciousness can expand in new ways as we mature sexually. Porn can give confidence when we have the courage to explore sexually with other mature adult consenting Beings and tightly guarded judgments can dissolve more freely when we observe the grip of deep-seated/deep-conditioned mindsets evaporate through freedom of expression in sexual ways. Thank you for sharing your time and energy with this potent and transformative wisdom here and now. Just a tiny P.S. If we’re concerned about sex trafficked porn workers- let's be conscious consumers in all areas /markets cuz slavery/slave wages exist all over the globe and if you look around your house and friend’s homes and stores and shops and internet- you can see evidence of this horrific standard everywhere- enter minimalism/conscious consumerism. This is another topic for another day, but just to let you know I am very much aware of this issue and how it ties into porn and I deeply appreciate your contemplations on this subject as well :) Byeeeee, see you around saints! Love forever, kolee Join the convo live next monday (every monday) 6p pacific usa time - it’s a phone app and we just talk, no pictures or camera shots so yayy come hang out and talk with us or just listen in :) photo credit from the book Peniology by Kevin Moore and Andrea Aste
Af kolee Hemenway 26. juli 2023
listen to the original show recorded in clubhouse 
Af kolee Hemenway 20. juli 2023
What is time actually? Does it have personality? Is it an it or an idea or possibly the eternal song woven by all forms who come before, presently are, or after now as these forms pass away from the earth ‘time?’ And finally, can we create or make time? Every Monday evening at (time stamp) 6p pacific daylight time united states of america, myself and a couple other beloved saints and founding members of United Saints of Love talk together about these complicated and convoluted ideas as a way to further comprehend the practical applications and implications of our every day earth lives. If you wish to listen to the original discussion you can access it here: United Saints of Love ReForm TIME If you wish to add your voice and or presence to the creation of these eternal notes held within the eternal song of life, please feel free to join live and/or listen to the replays posted every monday. Last Monday, July 17, we began talking about TIME. O yes, we all know it. Time to do this and time to do that. Time to get it together, time to have fun, time to eat, and yes don’t forget the running out of time, not enough time, feeling rushed and pressed for time. In human form, we tend to experience time as numbers on a clock we’re in a constant race against. We coordinate time with others in hopes they hold up their end of the bargain- most “times” we are the ones who lose track of time or under estimate the amount of energy or “time” needed to fufil our end of the deal and some times we all syncronize beautifully, a blessed time indeed. As a type of summary of our latest convo, I’ll attempt to articulate the essence of what we uncovered and discovered whilst speaking freely with one another, uninterrupted and curious. One of the main themes of most religious and spiritual or conscious groups is how what we do affects our future and others. What the heck is the future anyway? If our actions DO/ARE always adding either melody, harmony, and or screachy bits to the eternal song or time as we love to call it, the moment to momentness of life is of vital importance. When we take the morality out of the mix, we still basically are aware of the cause/effect dynamic happening now - now- now. So no matter what system we subscribe to this moment, what we do, say, and think are always boss. I think this is why humans can seem distracted and bored with life- we know what will be of utmost support to BEING (in the now) yet the protective parts of ourselves resist the realization of these actions, clinging instead to morals and systems to guide us as a false sense of security. We need to define time a tad more in order to feel into the words presented here. Time as defined by oxford dictionary: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. "travel through space and time" a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon. "the time is 9:30" And according to wikipedia, time is also a measure of progress between events. However at the end of the article it states, “In quantum mechanics, time is treated as a universal and absolute parameter, differing from general relativity's notion of independent clocks. Reconciling these two theories is known as the problem of time . As of 2023, there is no generally accepted theory of quantum general relativity. [17] So! Yay :) Let’s get a new theory started, shall we? I’ve come to realize several things about time as I’ve been pondering it almost obsessively lately: Time has a personality Time is not linear but the past present future are all represented as a song- an eternal song- sung from an unknown start date and an unknown end. It is a cosmic collection or an electrical frequency of eternal imprints Abundance or lack of time is in the mind of the beholder- lack and abundance mentality and creation of time /einstein time is key to expanding the consciousness of TIME and not being a slave to it Time has a personality! Action and thoughts and words are human in form. It is our greatest privilege to be in a form which not only automatically breathes, pumps blood, carries nutrients, fires electrical signals, and produces chemical instructions to around 30 trillion cells in every human body, but can also reason and express infinite results of this Being! It is therefore recognized here and now we have the greatest responsibility (both ability to respond and having a duty to respond) on earth to date. Traditionally, it is conditioned in humans from day one that we are judged for our actions. As children we are conditioned to respond immediately to our guardians direction and commands. As adults, we are conditioned to answer to either or both religious institutions and unseen deities and the good ole government of our land. We receive punishment, or at best consequences, when we do not respond in the pre-destined manner desired or demanded by our ruling authority. There are very few accepted systems in which the adult human form is given free will to act or respond according to inner guidance or intuition. Mostly because we are never given this unconditoned free will training and most adults are still small children in adult bodies and do not have the capability of either accessing inner guidance/intuition or being aware enough to accept full “responsibility” of our own actions in general. All these condtionings set us, the humans of earth, up to attach super importance on the systems which we rely to “keep us in line”- “keep us straight”- “keep us together.” Therefore, we hold attachments, stories, and memories in order to keep us feeling safe and valuable. The danger of holding all these attachments and stories so tightly to protect us from isolation and damnation is these are that which make up TIME. This is how TIME has a personality. Time is us, and we are time, It is with slight glee I can report science is picking up these cosmic cues as well and is formulating new explanations and ‘theories’ for TIME- and science agrees with me/us :) However, it is this writer's educated guess and current perspective presented here, so bear with me- its a process :) If we evolve a teeny bit to recognize morals, as in shoulds and supposed tos, need not exist when we are each living as sovereign Beings in part of the Whole, we begin to enter a new realm. We realize we (all forms who have ever been, are now, and will ever be) exist as an eternal song woven together which is why everything we say, think, and do DO MATTER. I did say in the clubhouse talk that actions matter and other things don’t and I was saying that it doesn’t “matter” as in solidify HOWEVER yes the overall bits all make up the whole- “the interplay and the weaving” so yes, it all matters. If you have the privilege of breathing on planet earth, congratulations, you are a living note in the great song of life (time in human breathing form), for those who are no longer breathing, they are an etched note in our eternal song. There is infinite possibility for the ones yet to come and where a lot of us lay import to. However, since we are a living note and the very personality of time held in our memories, stories, daily life, and projections of an unknown place and time, all we ever have is now anyway. Now is what makes past and future. This is why what we say, do, and think is always boss and priority- each and every moment. In the same vein, we are learning to release stories of the past which have concreted themselves into form and a type of reality with the aspirations of creating a whole new genre or beat to our eternal song. When we let go of stories and attachments (karma) we allow expansion and flow of our cosmic eternal song to morph into the most enveloping and dynamic music our cells have ever been imbued within! Time is not linear! The fact that now is always all we ever have anyways is great news. Every life Being is “energy expressing ourselves” and we represent a living song which always has been, always is, and will always be (I think I’ve heard other grand Beings portrayed with these same characteristics but this is for another blogspot ;) It also represents the infinite cycle of life which is the soul (sol) of “time” itself, which is all events eternally recorded playing and interweaving our all-encompassing tune of the eternal song- TIME. We have been conditioned to think of time as linear as a way to streamline the matrix to be as predictable as possible and help our ego self feel safe and secure. Yet it seems to have had the opposite effect where control and tightly guarded stories lead the way to unsafe and unpredictable outcomes. How many times in the past 3 years have you said to yourself, “wow, I didn’t see that coming!” or maybe you did clearly see it decades ago yet the “time” was not ripe for harvest? The fact is that time is a thing, an “it” if you will, not an abstract concept or numbers on a sundial/clock. If life were a straight line, we could look behind and ahead and be able to roughly predict outcomes fairly easily- yet this does not occur. With nearly 8 billion human forms on planet earth as of the year 2023, we get 8 billion different timelines/realities/perspectives intersecting, corresponding, relating, and resonating (either chaotically or melodically). I’ve come to see life/time as an eternal song interwoven in the eternal now. All forms contribute to the frequency of the eternal song, aka time, and those of us with senses to experience infinite selves as finite ones in body or any other form on earth which continue the cycle of life death life death are living memories and actively add to the neverending all encompassing song of life- “time.” When we view time as an eternal continuum of cause and effect of our now we can then upgrade to not being a slave of the ticking on the clock but infinite creators and inhabitants or extensions of it- and start really enjoying being a part of this eternal song. Feels good, doesn’t it! Let’s look at the last tidbit we touched on during our 65 minutes (according to earth clock time) in our USoL clubhouse talk- how we can “make” time. We create/make time! Can we make time? It’s a phrase thrown around the english language like yesterday’s trash yet it holds profound truths which we can all benefit. We’ve all had the feeling at one “time” or another where we feel hurried or rushed. We feel the pressure of “time” and it seems to never relent, always hovering over our shoulder and pressing against our minds. Why is it some Beings can produce huge amounts of value over a lifetime and some seemingly amount ‘to nothing?’ Why can a mother of many run a home, a business, a community, and keep herself happy and healthy at the same time when others with no responsibilities other than managing to stay alive and breathe fail to do so? Is it time, the management of it, or something other dimensional all together? We were honored with a guest from India, Don, in our clubhouse room who brought up ‘Sanscrit time’ and how the very definition of it encompasses the above (and beyond) ideas easily comprehended to the youngest of members as is it embroiled into the very language of the people. Sanskrit time (yes I had to look it up) According to wikipedia; “Kala (Sanskrit: काल, romanized: Kālá/Kālam, lit. 'Time'), IPA: [kɑːˈlə]) is a Sanskrit term that means "time" or "death". As time personified, destroying all things, Kala is a god of death, and often used as one of the epithets of Yama.” This very simplified definition not only corroborates our ‘time has personality’ theory, it also shows a continuum between all lives and all deaths, as well as furthering the concept we create time by not attaching to stories or preconceived conditions (death and rebirth). Lack and abundance mentality is a huge part of our human experience as we either have not enough or enough or overflow every moment of every breath and how we perceive these states change as frequently as we allow our emotions and insights to intercede. It is said we make love, we make money, we make time: we create it, we expand it or we “piss it away.” If time has a personality, it can be personal. If time is the collective memory and story cloud from all Beings who ever were, are, and shall be, it is infinite. If these are true, we can theoretically tap into the infinite stream personally and expand our own experience of time. This is maybe the greatest news of all! When we say to ourselves or others, “I don’t have time” we are actually saying, “I am not willing to create the space to do this right now”- it is not to say there is literally no time for the thing. Yet this slight twist of perspective actually convolutes our Being into believing this is so, and we experience the feeling that we do not have enough time. There is so much to cover in this concept alone, here I’ll attempt to plant the seeds from which to harvest ongoing insights and revelations forever more :) One of my favorite sayings is, “We have all the time we need to do the things we need to do.” This is to say, we do, in fact, make time when we: Create the condition correctly to solidify an idea/plan Do the things we need to do pertaining to the thing we are presently solidifying View time as a cosmic eternal force that we all have access to as living forms I read a book, time marker earth year 2016 ish- E Squared by Pam Grout, in which she talked about “Einstein Time.” This intrigued me as I was just beginning to open up to the interconnectedness of all things and as a single mother of 4 sons under the age of 11 living off the grid in the middle of a national forest in the Ozark mountains- I was desperate for “more time.” The concept is simple, Albert Einstein once wrote, “People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Time, in other words, he said, is an illusion. Many physicists since have shared this view, that true reality is timeless. We have all had the experience of time lasting longer when we are being tortured or are bored or are doing something we really do not enjoy and the flip of this experience where we lose track of time and time flies by when we are doing something we enjoy or “are in the flow.” Like now, as I’m writing this piece, time has literally flown by - I’m in a timeless state as my fingers fly against the keyboard of my rose gold macbook. How do you practically “make time?” We first envision the end result we wish to create, be it get the house cleaned up or erect a giant skyscraper dedicated to whatever, work backwards in a logical state laying out the broad strokes which constructs the skeleton of the creation, and then we decide what time we will ‘set aside’ or assign to these actions. This plan allows us several things: We create conditions for steady and consistent action to solidify the result we desire We show reverence and respect cause and effect and how our actions really do matter We eliminate all excuses or stories which would creep in and destroy the result prematurely In my practical application over the past 7 or 8 years of this simple yet profound concept has been mind-blowing. When I do not look to the clock to see if I “have time” or not, and I only do the things needed in the moment to accomplish what I assigned ‘time for’, I literally make time! I have a feeling this time talk will continue the span of several episodes. This is a juicy contemplation. As we began talking about TIME last Monday, we realized it is a type of chicken and egg scenario. The question is, do we make time as in prioritizing it and making/forcing it into existence or is it created because we prioritize it in the first place? To be continued I’m sure, however, I can say here and now creation of time to me is tapping into the infinite time stream known now also known as the eternal song and harnessing it to accomplish and achieve all our hearts desire- thus creating the new earth, eternal life, aka, heaven. As we do this in human form, we are indeed creating heaven on earth which is what the United Saints of Love is allllll about! Here we are people, what else better do we have to do with our time than create abundance of joy, expression, gratitude, wisdom, peace, and health for all who were, are and are to come? Keep up the super work! Integrate these ideas and join us in clubhouse to add to the eternal conversation See you around Saints ;) kolee and krew Special thanks and love to Boo Chaison and Phil Mashke for cocreating these talks and being huge inspirations to my family and I throughout these long earth years. Homage and eternal respect to you both- and all who are here with me/us now. clock picture taken by Phil as mentioned in the clubhouse talk :)
Af kolee Hemenway 16. maj 2022
kolee at a dōTERRA International Gala
Af kolee Hemenway 4. maj 2022
Welcome welcome, today we’re looking at family photos and analyzing them- lol- don’t worry, it’ll be fun :) For this blog series, I’m showing you the pictures in color from New Earth Publishing Haus’ latest book, the “Modern Sustainability Master Guide.” The book is science and experience together -- decades of research and living the life crammed into like 42, 000 words - so I’m taking the pieces apart here in the blog so we can digest and process and have fun at the same time. I love getting the back stories about things, and since I used all personal photos in the book, I wanted to share why I chose them and how I feel they relate to the sustainable chapter they show up in, so here we go :) The featured photo from the Sustainable Consumerism chapter is a pic is my 3 youngest sons after we moved from our urban homestead in southwest Missouri in the Ozarks to our off grid completely isolated 10 acre cabin in northwest arkansas in the Ozark National Forest. It is here in arkansas, completely off grid, as in no power lines running near enough to me to get grid power, where conscious consumerism began to really dawn on me. Before, on my urban homestead, it was about getting simple, being self reliant and detoxification- and saving money. However, the shift of seeing how all things are connected and how our spending and consuming habits really do affect the environment around us as well as the environment for us all came into greater focus for me at this stage of my journey. Thinking and planning for power, water, transportation, food, cleaning, etc. all were magnified as we had to change the way we had been used to operating, which in turn allowed more awareness to settle on the real-life priorities and how our all our little choices add up to major impact. We generated electricity using solar panels and a basic battery bank, it was “enough” but not effective really, we had to supplement our power with a petroleum gasoline generator. I could go on and on about it down there, and I do some in the master guide;), but suffice it to say: 1 mom + 4 young sons + no reliable power, water, roads, etc. = lots of experience and education and experimentation :) So let’s look at the photo and spy some sustainable consumerism habits which could lead to a stable climate on planet earth, shall we? Notice the low/no waste food stuffs we have packed with us. There is no way to stay human and not eat food, at this stage of our evolution anyway -especially- when traveling/living with children (or kolee). Humans are incessantly eating, and I don’t care about that right now, the main point is if you eat food, you have to consider where it came from, how it got to you, how is affecting the environment, how were the workers/creators treated, how does it affect our body, where does the packaging go when it’s empty, and on and on it goes. Eating is fine, being aware of what we eat is boss. So a fabulous place to focus awareness on in order to support a stable climate is our food habits. There is a whole food chapter as well, so fear not, we’ll talk more about it in another post ;) 2. Notice our clothing items. Phew, here we go… Yes the fashion industry is a huge culprit in the degradation of earth. First, as with allllll sphere’s of sustainability and the current “modern” work we as earth aware Beings are involved with we are walking on a bridge which spans from past semi successful innovations and technologies and mindsets to changing ones where unity, awareness and respect live in harmony. We need to be able to deal with both, at the same time, during this transition. Tricky? Yep. Way. Very tricky and we do need to be skillful and agile or we’ll end up - well I don't know but at any rate, here we are so we need to keep stepping forward while be guided by the results of our last steps to be stable and enjoy the walk. I say all that to say this- we are alive on a planet that does not wholly support actual life, just a watered down version of it, and everyday we are faced with decisions which do harm to others in order to support our own life. See, it’s tricky. But we can maneuver through it with Grace and Clarity and Strength one step at a time. The boys are outfitted in mostly old navy clothes in this pic. Unfortunately, this company does have a slight track record of destruction to our environments and this is to help us all keep calm and carry on. When faced with choices of clothing, we are all doing the best we can, yet we can all do better. So I have a bunch of kids to keep clothed, I live in the USA where cheap disposable clothes are king and that’s what was in my budget - so that’s what we bought. Also of note, we also bought/buy used clothing more often than not and do keep the same clothes for the next size down to use later. ALSO, you can see we don’t constantly need new things, we use our stuff for a long time- repairing and reusing the items as long as it’s practical to do so. Again, we live in a world where we can replace items as often as we wish- yet to remain faithful to a stable climate vision, we grow in our awareness of our consumerism habits. A part of the overall consumerism conversation is connecting the dots of our personal habits and lifestyle and aspiring to merge the things we enjoy with doing no harm to others. 3. Last but not least, transportation is a part of a stable modern climate. The car in the photo is one I really would get again. I bought it used, maintained it, and used it as long as possible. Acura MDX if you are interested. And yes, we do have a whole other post just about transportation but again the overall consumerism concept is very integrated and wholistic, it’s all one and in the master guide we break down each component. The gas type, mileage, safety, emissions, and ultimately comfort are all very important considerations we have to be mindful of if we choose to own a car. The location and walkability/rideability/group transportation of the place we choose to live is also of course something we need to be mindful about. We can say we don’t have choices, but in reality, we do. As we transition to no harm transportation, we use what we have and when we are ready to replace or relocate, we make beneficial changes. We got this, don’t worry, we’re all in this together and we’re fine- just fine ;) We just keep going, adapting, aspiring, and accepting our journey and enjoy it! Here’s our next picture we’ll dissect next post about sustainable fashion, Till then, create some space to be mindful of your consumerism habits and see which aren’t a great fit anymore- then allow them to drop away as you fill the space with something more aligned to creating a stable climate on planet earth ;) xxxoo kolee n krew love you
Af kolee Hemenway 3. maj 2022
The Modern Sustainability Master Guide was written to show how no harm products have developed over the past several decades and how the actual practical daily lives of a no harm person can look in our current time. I did not actually “define” sustainability in the book though, so let’s look at it more here WITH PICTURES!!!!! Over the next week or so I’m releasing the color photos from the Modern Sustainability book and I’ll tell you why I chose the pic and how it relates to modern sustainability in my experience. First let’s “define” modern sustainability in general terms and we’ll be able to see the very common threads strung out through these pictures and in our own daily lives. We begin to get a sense it’s all connected and in order to enjoy our lives- we must do no harm and protect the resources which we’re a part. Modern- “relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.” Sustainable- “able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.” or “able to be upheld or defended.” Here’s a super interesting list of words we could use instead of sustainable: Continuous, unceasing, unending, continual, imperishable, renewable, inexhaustible, infinite, limitless, endless, extendable, viable, bountiful, replenishable In this context, we can basically say modern sustainability is the ability to duplicate a process in our current lives which leaves beneficial or neutral results forever. MODERN is a keyword, as it indicates now or current times which are always changing and in order to do things beneficially, we must be able to adapt and remain mindful and aware of this never ending cycle. In order to stay relevant, we ALL must adapt with our current research, results, and routines. The main reason I wrote this book is I was so frustrated at how complicated doing no harm to our planet and selves is presented. No wonder our earth ship is falling apart, everyone thinks it’s way too hard or expensive to fix- but it’s not! Going green, being eco friendly, doing no harm, leaving earth better than we found it, etc isn’t a product or system or event, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a mindset. There is simply no other way to experience a whole healthy planet than to be a whole healthy human on earth :) Throughout the book (and this blog series), we weed out the myths and conditioning that have led to such suffering on our home planet. Of course, the book offers simple solutions to do no harm while enjoying life in all the basic everyday ways a human gets along today. It also tells a beautiful story of restoration and regeneration we can look forward to when we make mindful, healthy habits along the way. Small steps to bravely birth a new sustainable climate on planet earth are ours to take, and as we do it together, it’s way more fun. I’ve had the pleasure of being a mother for over 25 years and as such, I’ve been able to truly do this human experimentation with actual daily living- in allll kinds of ways. My whole gig is simplifying and constantly streamlining and making it all more efficient. What better way to figure out how to live on planet earth without harming it or us in the process than to have a pod of humans living and working together - every dang day! I hope you enjoy the back story of these pictures in this blog series and are inspired to take small steps in your own life in order to enjoy earth and life. If you want to grab your own modern sustainability ebook or paperback- click here! Make sure to leave a quick honest review and thank you for your support :) Here’s the first picture I’ll be sharing from the Sustainable Consumerism chapter next post, stay tuned to catch the story and enjoy seeing modern sustainability in action ;)
Af kolee Hemenway with Pamela Acosta 29. oktober 2021
Interview with Pamela Acosta and kolee the practicalsaint at Practicalsaint Talks Podcast November 26, 2021 This blog post is a collaborative effort from Pamela and kolee- a few of the links are affiliate links and when you purchase from them you are giving back by supporting the sharing of these life-giving messages at no additional cost to you, so thank you eternally for your support by simply reading and listening to this cast and blog and maybe checking the links out as well :) “Pamela is a fellow blogger who brings healing and life as a plant-based influencer and enthusiast. She is an accomplished designer of her own life and teaches others to do it in a wholistic, safe, and effective process. She’s done the hard work herself and shares her journey with others so all can achieve overall health and wellbeing too. Nothing brings me more joy than connecting with others who plow the fields of humanity with other aware and conscious Beings, and Pam is one for sure! We’ve gotten to know each other over the past year and I’m SO GRATEFUL and honored to be in this space with her divine magical Being! She was an early reader of my newest book “Heal the inner child to Heal the world!” and been hugely instrumental in supporting its creation” ~kolee In today’s episode, we share about mindset shifts and how it makes all the difference to what we experience. We mainly focused on detoxification and healing the body in a natural, holistic way. We bridge the shift from personal transformation to that of the entire planet, through talking more about: Detox as self-love How detoxification helps the environment Not being too hard on ourselves Karmic eating habits Food as medicine Gratitude Detox as self-love We need to change the way we think about detoxification because in today’s society we face mockery from some and this may put a stop to real authentic transformation. First, do not allow anyone else’s opinions to keep us stuck in old patterns. If someone isn’t paying your bills or taking you to your doctor’s appointments- their opinion or stories don’t really matter when it comes to our own life. Our opinions don’t really matter to anyone else on the flip side, so here we focus on our own experience and self. Secondly, detoxifying our own bodies as a self-love act is how we can begin a journey to wholistic health and wellbeing. Think about it. This act of self-love or self-care is the foundation on which all else is formed. 7.7 billion people actively taking care of our own bodies and health equals a healed and whole world. Also, it’s worth noting, that currently we are forced to consume harmful agents to our bodies and planets because of production practices. What is available to us is largely ineffective and tampered with. We can do all the “good” things and still be harming someone somewhere due to the entire system we are a part. In this light, we do what we can, where we are, and this is always enough. The goal is to change enough mindsets to create a whole new system of beneficial production to eliminate the need to sacrifice our personal pleasure at the expense of another. Pamela & kolee personally experienced and observed massive benefits and expansion of the unity consciousness message we currently share. Yes, the process of detoxification may start in our physical bodies yet it branches out to encompass our whole Being. Detoxing one’s body leads to detoxing our emotions. Emotions are energy in motion and can get stuck in our body, leading to mental issues as well as physical and spiritual ones as well. Through detoxification, we purify the body, and as we do this, we experience improvement in our whole Being- physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing. Taking care of our body is a sign of self-love. Self-love and love for the other and the divine. Our body is our temple where our eternal souls come to play on earth for a hundred earth years or so. The way we treat our bodies IS the way we treat others and our earth. We either treat it with respect, honor, and unconditioned love or we disregard our part in its creation. We can either embrace this truth with open arms or we can excuse our whole time here away and never gain traction to heal the self in order to heal our world. How detoxification helps the environment Food choices also matter. As we improve our health and as we choose less processed or tortured foods, we detoxify this energy from our body, you begin to see more clearly how our choices affect the overall not just “you”- the old ego self. We can then become more intuned with the Earth, where we all live. We start to see beyond just our own little stories and dramas. Many don’t talk about this seriously enough, but our choices DO matter. Not only in food, but in the products we use to care for our bodies and homes, the clothes we put on our bodies, the way we educate and entertain ourselves, the way we medicate and deal with dis-ease or illness, etc. As we mentioned in our conversation, everything we do, think, feel, and say affects the whole entire universe! The stuff that ‘matters’ as in solidifies to things we smell, see, touch, feel, and taste is the product of our collective experiences and mindsets. We are all a part of the crisis on this planet and can use this unique sovereign position to reach our aim of all living healthy and happy lives. We humans are made up of earth and star stuff, making us all a part of the whole. Detoxifying our bodies, homes, communities, and world really does matter! kolee’s next whole book goes into practical steps and ways we can all make small differences matter! You can only know it does matter once you experience the difference for yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself Although the above statements can either bring resentment and a feeling of helplessness, they can also bring significant enrichment and empowerment. It’s vital at any point on the journey we’re on to be gentle and patient with ourself, others, and through the divinity who is always a part of our present conditions. Pamela shared her personal experience of how she was hard on herself and others at the very beginning of her journey. kolee wrote whole books through this narrow and judgemental lens, which showcases her evolution in this carefully woven life narrative. In this light, we recommend people take this process slowly and in bite-sized pieces with a gentle and forgiving mindset. Reading “ Heal the inner child to Heal the world! ” book or audiobook is a beautiful place to start or advance in our reconstruction as a species. Often we choose ignorance instead of awareness about where and how our food is being processed, how to take care and educate our self and our families, how to get around without harming the planet, and so on. Awareness is needed, but don’t educate yourself simply by watching activist videos on YouTube- as they may affect you negatively in the beginning by not presenting the entire story. Often when we’re immature on this path, we begin to get overwhelmed with all that is harmful and either blame others or create a savior complex to deal with these intense issues. The key to successfully changing what we see around us is first to begin and continue the deep inner detox and healing of our individual self. The transformation process and experience are different for everyone. We all do our best, and our best becomes effective over time. The length of time it takes to change varies as much as the experiences and paths we take. Through this lens, we learn how to respect other people’s choices even though they do not align with where we are now. If somebody feels called to change and would like your assistance, they will reach out to you. There is no need to go around proclaiming enlightenment when we’re still earth-bound and incapable of walking on water or walking through walls. We are all divinely human, and this earth experience is to cultivate this divinity within- as gracefully and gently as possible. We must think for ourself and follow our inner guidance, and allow others to do the same. As we embark on this grand journey, there are ups and downs. We are, after all, ‘human’ Beings in a dualistic and matrix-style earth. Be the change you want to see, and this is more than enough to affect real change for the entire planet. Karmic eating habits On her healing journey, Pamela had dealt with eating disorders caused by low self-esteem & fear of disease. Eating disorders are mirrors of emotional imbalance. It is not about the food as much as it is how we feel about ourself. If I eat sugary and genetically modified foods all the time, I’m basically showing my body I don’t care if it lives or dies. I’m saying to my body I don’t care if it operates in harmony. We are mindlessly or mindfully creating all we experience in these meat suits called bodies at a deep level. We have to start paying attention to our emotional eating habits as a self-love act and one from a unity-conscious view. What we spend money on (or don’t) has a tremendous impact on the planet at large as well. We realize what we eat affects EVERYTHING! Everything from fair trade, pollution, child labor, medical costs, humane treatment of animals, our environment, even emotional long-term effects- we live in an age where the outcome of our species lies in our mouths! Do you see? It’s a mirror that constantly reminds us of how we actually feel about our own Being and those around us. Emotions and food have gone together as long as we’ve been around. There are deep karmic or never-ending cycles which can be transformed into beneficial merit as we aim to find deep self-love for ourself, others, and with the divine inside us. To get started right away in detoxing and embodying a wholistic relationship with the foods we use to nourish our bodies, a simple thing to add to your daily routine to increase your health is tongue scrubbing; why and what!? Tongue scrubbing or scaping is is an easy, quick, and effective way to: Get a better sense of taste, Remove bacteria, Have better digestion, Activate organs, Remove bad breathe, and Boost immunity According to here-are-6-benefits-of-tongue-scraping at by Aayushi Gupta This magical yet straightforward act of scraping our tongues can lead to many beneficial side effects and can be performed in a minute or two. We are literally scraping off the old to allow the new to grow. As outlined in this whole blog piece, everything is interconnected. The tongue holds a map to our entire physical Being, and since it is so tied to our daily habits like breathing, talking, eating, and drinking, it makes sense to start here. Order a tongue scraper now, pro tip: I used a spoon for a while and the real deal is a much better experience ;) Food as a medicine As previously highlighted, food is an act of self-care which leads to detoxifying our entire Being and world. In this light, it is also used as a medicine to heal the wounds of our world. We make choices every day on what we will put in our mouth holes and excrete back to the earth. kolee was recently introduced to ayurvedic practices and quickly realized the fancy name added up to using food as medicine to affect our whole Being. Cumin is high in iron, flaxseed is high in calcium, mung beans are high in protein, papaya seeds are high in fiber, and on and on the list goes. We’ve all probably at least been introduced to this information, yet why do we continue making our cells sick by not eating them?? It’s mostly because either we haven’t been educated on these issues or if we have we didn’t have enough information to realize why it’s so important to take action. In either case, do yourself and those you love and care for a favor and begin the work of eating for life. My new friend Adam Zaks has an excellent introductory book about this in “Doctors study sickness, you should study health” available on his beautiful website Pamela has a lovely detoxification program where she helps guide people to heal our bodies by learning new habits and food preparation skills. Her smoothie and smoothie bowl challenge is available at as well as helping others embark on this wild ride of healing and self-love through groups, blog, and challenges all available from There are MANY beautiful Beings on earth today who have done this hard work of self-transformation and offer services to us to do the same. There is no excuse in our modern world that needs to prevent us from feeling our absolute best! I cheer you on continuously in this massive support of our new earth creation, starting at home- today. Gratitude The act of gratitude keeps us aware of all which is correct in our lives. It allows more of what we want to see to flow effortlessly into our realities. Learning how to be in peace and gratitude changes your life completely. When we take moments several times a day to be thankful for what we have already created, we become aligned with creating more! By focusing on what we have already achieved or created, we not only are learning to be gentle and appreciate ourselves but we are also imagining and creating the spirit of beneficial growth. Yes, it is key to become aware of that which we would like to change, and nothing gets us here faster than acknowledging the positive blessings in our lives as well. Being grateful for our food, water, children, air, pets, family, friends, resources, even flushing toilets is a beautiful practice which allows change at a beneficial pace. At first we can keep a gratitude journal and create scheduled entries of at least 3 things we are thankful for today. As this practice becomes more natural, we begin to experience SOME kind of gratitude in any situation! It may sound odd, but even when things do not materialize like I thought they would, I can still find some bits of gratitude of each moment. Our lives are made up of what we do each day, with this wisdom in the front of our minds, we realize if we aren’t thankful now, we never will be. Oof- hard hitting right? It’s true though, kolee is a recovering angry and bitter woman who in the eye’s of the world has every ‘right’ to be mad, angry, and hostile. But come on people, really? Is this really how we wish to spend our time on earth? Do we really desire to remain stuck in the past and upset about what we have, have done, have been through, and the like or are we actually ready to take small steps toward total liberation?! I say yes we are! I am and Pam is and we know you are too ;) Let’s go, commit to adding in a small step to begin or advance TODAY and rock it out! Keep adding in small sustainable steps to detoxify, build up, and transform your self so we can all be healthy and happy once and for all! Light and unconditioned love, kolee & Pamela n krew
Af kolee Hemenway 27. september 2021
Interview with Pamela Acosta, Sept 24, 2021, on how to heal the inner child to heal the world! Listen to the whole talk and read the highlights here! Pamela is a fellow blogger who brings healing and life as a plant-based facilitator and enthusiast. She is an accomplished designer of her own life and teaches others to do it in a wholistic, safe, and effective process. She’s done the hard work herself and shares her journey with others so all can achieve overall health and wellbeing too. Nothing brings me more joy than connecting with others who plow the fields of humanity with other aware and conscious Beings, and Pam is one for sure! We’ve gotten to know each other over the past year and I’m SO GRATEFUL and honored to be in this space with her divine magical Being! She was an early reader of my newest book “Heal the inner child to Heal the world!” and been hugely instrumental in supporting its creation! In this season 3 premiere episode, she interviews ME! It was awesome to be the one answering the questions instead of asking them :) We hope you enjoy and are enriched by the talk and are inspired to start or keep going through the amazing process of healing. Here is a written list of the questions Pam asked and kolee answered. In the talk we meander through all these issues plus some and weave a beautiful narrative of mindfulness, healing, transformation, and awareness. Enjoy and share with others who you think could benefit from the convo :) 1. What was the process for me of taking the inner knowledge I realized to the other world? “In seeing how fast I changed my life I had known and built my entire identity around after 14 years of marriage, absolute loyalty to him and my children, growing in my wholistic health journey (so cleaning up the literal shit inside me first), I became aware I had been conditioned to think change takes a long time. It IS a process, but with the correct mindset (which the book aims to expand) EVERYTHING can change in an instant.” When I changed everything around me basically instantly after my divorce 7 years ago, I saw for the first time in my life we do are not EVER stuck in our current realities and we can take action to change everything! Once we change it though, we still need to change our mindsets or we will continue creating dead-end situations with the new people/places in our lives! The book “Heal the inner child to Heal the world!” talks all about this mindset shift and seeks to support this new consciousness we need to get out of old crappy situations and stay in lovely and healing new ones :) 2. What do I believe to be the deepest wound that we need to heal as a collective? “Basically, nonlove or fear can manifest as shame, guilt, regret, rejection, anger, or bitterness. It’s the same root cause, it just grows into a different beast as we fertilize it with different agents. The wounds need to be cleaned, dressed, nurtured, and seen before they can be healed and healthy.” 3. What was the hardest trauma or attachment to release? Why? How did I begin the journey? “The hardest trauma or story as I like to call it to release for me was that I was “unloveable.” It was a deep-seated attachment that began in the womb for me as my mother’s placenta (lifeline) didn’t have enough for me to live on, so I came out early. Seriously, from day 0 I was making life-saving decisions (welcome to the world dear capricorn!), and through my specific genetic and ancestral conditioning, I came to the conclusion I wasn’t loved, I wasn’t worthy of love, if I was loveable surely my own creator would nourish me, etc…. Of course, the reason it was so difficult to deal with is the fact that it was almost totally subconscious and a buried belief. Although it colored EVERYTHING in my life, I was unaware that it was running the (shit) show. It all changed when I used my free will to enter the subconscious and reprogram my body to deal with the manifestation of sexual abuse at a very young age which 1. Was attracted and allowed into my reality because of the inherent belief I was in fact not loveable and 2. I was subconsciously recreating these abandonment and rejection issues in order to ultimately wake myself up to the pain of these feelings in order to heal them and move on! It literally changed my life because I got to that core trauma through several EMDR sessions which became the catalyst to leaving my loveless marriage, “If I am indeed loveable, I can’t stay in a relationship where I’m treated without love.” It still took 3 years of reprocessing on my own in nature to really start to see the patterns of this original trauma played out.” 4. What advice would I give to another on the same journey of self-reflection and healing? Where to start? How does the middle part of the journey feel? What happens after we realize magic manifestation skills? “ Main advice- JUST DO THE WORK! Honestly assess what is going on NOW, go way back to the womb experience, and begin to see the core wounding intertwined in ALL our stories. It’s magical to become aware of the pain we attempt to numb through various escapes, and when we become aware, we have the power to change and heal. Once we get started, it feels pretty shitty actually, most people run back to old comforts and remain stuck so when things are beginning, know there will be an incredible amount of pain, and breathe through it basically. Get good solid support systems in place or be as stable as possible, hire help who are trained to deal with intense emotions, engage in some kind of exercise, drink more water, clean house, etc to get the outside a little more aligned with the cleaning we’re doing on the inside. Then we’ll be making progress and the pain will probably begin to turn more to hope somewhat, we may feel like we’ve arrived and get lazy again BUT we really need to be aware of this middle ground and DON’T STOP, KEEEP GOING! If we keep going, we will gain more momentum to go for the rest of our time on earth and beyond. This is where the freedom comes in because we know deep inside that we got this and it makes life enjoyable to observe, experiment, and grab new opportunities!” 5. Re: PTSD and the trauma I’ve been through- What would be the best encouragement or advice I would give a woman who feels stuck in any situation or feels lost? To not internalize it or take it personally or feel as if “you are the only one” feeling this way. It’s the lone wolf syndrome and those shadows really prey on the fear or sadness or anger or shame. So talk about how you feel. Tell your stories, let others know you are hurting or scared. Acknowledge the pain and as crazy as it seems, that in and of itself begins the healing process. 6. More about being mindful- How do we realize where we find ourselves in the current moment IS the result from all our actions up until now? What do we do when recognize that the results we become aware of involve our attention to change them instead of blaming circumstances on someone else? “One of the most resisted steps to full liberation is denial. Denying we have any role in our current state keeps us captive in it. When we begin to take 100% response-ability, we are then 100% in power! Developing these skills and mindset lead to our full liberatiaon and empower us to make lasting and whole changes- for ourselves and the world.” 7. Re: freedom and sticking with suffering because we don’t think we played a role in the suffering origin. Why do think this happens? “Holding the ability to respond correctly and trusting in this inner process is key here. 100% Response-ability ultimately. When we deny the fact that we actually ARE in charge of life 1, we can endure shitty circumstances with joy and love anyway, and 2. We begin to be in charge of what we are a part of. Old ego blocks us from this process by blaming another whereas new reborn ego observes and is secure enough to do something different to actually get a different result- it’s no longer protecting our fragile sick Being from dealing with the hard truth we all must face in order to actually change stuff.” 8. What was my process in becoming whole? How did I piece it all together? How did it change my life? “It’s been very slow honestly. I had my original “awakening” to real unconditioned love in my early 20’s yet I still was operating under old stories and cellular trauma so that my mindset was still basically the same, sooo the present situations were still validating my broken narratives. It wasn’t until I literally re-programmed the neural pathways in my brain and body that I was awake again to the why I was needing to re-do these horrible stories over and over again. Still, yet there is another stretch where I had to integrate all this information in practical everyday thinking and actions. The 4th part was called embodiment and it allowed for cellular upgrades because finally I was working with healthy cells and Being. This is where I am still, it’s a forever process so don’t ever think we “arrive.” Now I’m calling in beneficial relationships and realizing the plans I set out to accomplish, I still have to learn how to practically live in this new cellf (self). It’s fun now, but still needs constant attention and awareness to develop further. I can’t even imagine what my life will look like in 5 years let alone 10! I have excitement now though as I do the everyday living that is what makes up our future.” Enjoy all which was shared here and share with others who you think could benefit from the convo :) Make sure to check out Pam's 7-Day Detox Challenge HERE if you are looking to upgrade your physical wellbeing too! Grab your copy of Heal the inner child to Heal the world! HERE (and take advantage of the FREE promo for a limited time!) Join us both in the telegram group for instant loving friends and high level support! Practicalsaint Talk soon! Kolee n krew xxxoo
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